[Rhodes22-list] Politics: Reply to Wally on Mohammed, Prophet of Doom

ed kroposki ekroposki at charter.net
Wed Oct 13 22:50:10 EDT 2004

(Anyone that can look at the world situation & not be really really nervous
just doesn't grasp the significance of what's going & how quickly the
situation could deteriorate.}
 {I agree. The whole thing make me very nervous. I can
 see the current situation escalating and dragging on for years.)

Yes, the situation will drag on for years.  It is the same as there are
still Communist in the world.  

However, the Islamist are busy defending their turf, not blowing up
buildings in New York, Philadelphia or St. Petersburg, Fla.

These people only understand force.  Discussions, negotiations, sanctions
are a sign of weakness to the Islamist.  Weakness is a welcome mat for more
violence.  You and others may not like or appreciate the show of force, but
that is all that they respect.  The better something else advocated on this
list simply will not work with Islamist.  To quote Bill Effros, that is
They are not willing to accept reason or compromise.  How are they different
from 'Christians' who shoot doctors in abortion clinics?  Do those
'Christians' accept reason?  The problem is that there are 'people', so
rigid in their thought processes that they will not consider others might
have a reasonable other view.  Now a good psychiatrist might over years be
able to help them learn to reason, but in the meantime these Islamist are
set on killing all non believers.  What is your proposal to manage these

You said the sanctions were working.  Are you really saying that there was
no corruption in the food for oil program????

Ed K

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