[Rhodes22-list] Outboard Repair
brad haslett
flybrad at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 15 07:17:37 EDT 2004
It is a lot more fun when we disagree on other
matters. The most important thing to do with a
2-stroke is to run the engine, either shut off the
fuel supply, or run it until the tank is empty (either
way, empty the tank for the winter). Any fuel left in
the tank, fuel lines, or cylinder walls will "gum"
over the winter. You chemists on the list can analyze
the gum. The best solution for the cylinder walls is
a good misting of WD-40. The WD stands for water
displacement and it provides lubrication for start-up,
keeps moisture from forming on the cylinder walls, and
will burn on start-up. It is not a bad idea to re-mist
before start-up in the spring. This prevents stuck
rings and softens any rust or "gums" that formed over
the winter.
This is the technique we used on piston aircraft
engines when they were "moth-balled". If you stain
your clothes while performing this task, WD-40 is also
a good stain remover. Never tried inhaling the stuff,
might be good for that too!
Brad Haslett
--- Bill Effros <bill at effros.com> wrote:
> If it's a 2-stroke you just don't need to put oil in
> the cylinders. The oil is in the gas. The last
> time you use the engine put in extra oil if you
> like, but not required. The first time you use it
> next season put a little extra oil in the gas.
> Disconnect the spark plug wires. Turn over the
> engine a few times so the oil filled gas mixture
> covers the walls of the cylinders. Then start the
> engine. The gas/oil mixture will lubricate the
> cylinder walls with every stroke of the engine.
> With 4 strokes you have to wait until the separate
> oil system delivers oil to the cylinder walls.
> Modern engines are so well made, none of this is
> required, 4-strokes included. This stuff is in the
> same category as throwing a pinch of salt over your
> shoulder "just to be on the safe side." Your engine
> is most vulnerable when you open up the spark plug
> hole and inject some unknown contaminant into the
> system. I never open the innards of my engine to
> the environment except to change spark
> plugs--something I do as infrequently as possible.
> Bill
> Printed copies of my book "Quote Without Comment"
> are now available from Amazon and all Bookstores.
> Ask for "Quote Without Comment" by Bill Effros--ISBN
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> If they are out of stock add the book to your "Wish
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> stock--usually within 2 days.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Steve Alm
> To: Rhodes
> Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 2:56 AM
> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Outboard Repair
> Bill and Rummy,
> Thanks. I'll try jumping the solenoid on the old
> Evinrude. As for treating
> the cylinders, last year I found this stuff in a
> spray can that you spray
> into the carburetor as you run it out of gas. A
> little more after it quits
> and then a couple hand pulls. I can't remember what
> it's called. BTW, my
> Merc 8.0 is a two stroke.
> Slim
> On 10/14/04 1:44 PM, "R22RumRunner at aol.com"
> <R22RumRunner at aol.com> wrote:
> > Slim,
> > I agree with Bill. Sounds like the starter
> solenoid is bad. You can jump the
> > solenoid with a screw driver across the terminals
> and if the starter turns,
> > it's definitely the solenoid.
> > I still prefer the 2 stroke oil in the cylinders.
> It might not be as thick as
> > gear oil, but it's still slipprier than snot on a
> door knob in the rain.
> >
> > Rummy
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