[Rhodes22-list] Instructional Videos

Lou Rosenberg lsr3 at MAIL.nyu.edu
Mon Oct 18 16:33:43 EDT 2004

>Lou, Thanks for the info.  I don't know how much value this would 
>add to my program and whether I would be likely to recoop it in a 
>higher price.  I may see what is already available on the market. 
>As far as blonds, I seemed to have struck a nerve.  I am not a 
>Blond-a-phob more of a Blond-a-phile.  I just find it more fair (in 
>what ever force gives balance in life) that if you are graced with 
>good looks that you should lack skills or smarts.  There are plenty 
>out there with both, and they know enough to stay away from the 
>likes of me.  Bob
  You didnt hit a nerve with me!
   Ive seen both sides of the equation.
   Let me know what sailing video you get as I am curious to check them out..

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