[Rhodes22-list] Storm sails reference by Bob - more on solents

Jeffrey L. Susanj jsusanj at mindspring.com
Thu Oct 21 09:38:11 EDT 2004

A sail that is specifically cut for a roller furler will work better
than one that was originally designed to be hanked on.  Also, a foam
luff pad provides a better shape.  Of course, I don't know if either of
these factoids apply in your case.

Jeff S.

On Wed, 2004-10-20 at 14:17, R22RumRunner at aol.com wrote:
> Maybe my boat is different from all the others, but when I furl the genny, I 
> don't have the problem with terrible sail shape. Everybody talks about the big 
> billowing center of the sail, but I don't have that. I have a 175 made by Lee 
> sails and when I furl, the sail remains tight. Anyone else out there with the 
> Lee sails have the same experience?
> I sail a lot with Yankee Clipper and I have noticed that his furled genny 
> (Doyle sail) suffers from what you have described, but I don't
> Rummy
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