[Rhodes22-list] Draftdodger/cowards and other random thoughts
brad haslett
flybrad at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 28 18:33:46 EDT 2004
Rummy, and other Rhodies, et al
First, thank you for your service to your country. As
I stated in an earlier post, two kids from my home
town of 630 were concientious objectors and that was
more dangerous than Vietnam. Both were "long-haired
hippie types" which I probably would have been had my
father allowed it. Anyway, one was named Kenny
Morgan. I had a long-haired guinny pig (sp?) that I
named Guinny Morgan. I'm not sure if they ended up in
Canada or not but I wouldn't blame them for it.
Canada has the best strip clubs in the world except
for Memphis, Tennessee. My theory is that in the US,
the quality of strip bars is directly proportional to
the number of churches.
I'm in downtown Boston and as much as I would enjoy
generating a few flames on the list, there's still
some beer left in this town and I intend to drink
Random parting thoughts:
The 2000 election count in Florida has been recounted
every concievable way by independent reviewers. Bush
won every time. The Presidential election is based on
the Electoral College count and everyone has a copy of
the rules. If there was ever an election in history
that should have been re-counted, it would have been
1960 election with the vote count in Illinois. Nixon
chose to accept defeat rather than put the nation
through the turmoil. Lesser men have different
Florida relief work - Roger is to be commended for
his volunteer efforts. People need help and we should
applaud those folks generous enough to give up their
time to provide that help. On the other hand, if you
live on a coast, in tornado alley, or on a fault plate
as I do, buy insurance and quit whining. I'm not
suggesting the people in Florida don't need help, its
just the government is not responsible for you every
time you fart crossways or choose to live in an area
with known hazards.
Of course, if John Kerry is elected (and he may be),
he and John Edwards have a plan for people who fart
Flame away! I'll be in a pub if you need me.
Brad Haslett
--- R22RumRunner at aol.com wrote:
> My dear Friend Steve,
> For one who is to young to have been part of the
> Vietnam era, you certainly
> are quick to judge and label. Granted, there
> probably were a few people that
> went to Canada because they were scared and didn't
> want to die. As a Vietnam era
> vet, I won't hold it against them. People have a
> right in this country to
> disagree with our government and if they don't like
> it, they have a right to
> leave and live elsewhere.
> In 1970 I was a private stationed at Ft. Bragg, NC
> when I received my orders
> for Vietnam duty. When I went home on leave prior to
> shipping out, I was
> pressured and given the opportunity by family and
> friends to move to Canada and set
> up a new life if I had wanted. They offered tens of
> thousands of dollars to
> help me. They were very persuasive, but I was up for
> an adventure and went
> anyway. I personally know people that went to
> Canada. Not all were cowards. The
> draft boards in those days weren't so considerate of
> conscientious objectors,
> even for religious grounds.
> Until you have been there and had to face those same
> tough decisions, don't
> be so quick to label people as cowards. I don't know
> if you are simply
> attempting to stir up the list again, as is your
> usual mode of operation, but there
> are several hundred people on this list, not all
> share you viewpoints, tolerance
> of others views is what freedom is all about.
> Rummy
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