[Rhodes22-list] Draftdodger/cowards

pdgrand at nospam.wmis.net pdgrand at nospam.wmis.net
Fri Oct 29 14:02:38 EDT 2004


You can't fool us.  We know the real reason you chose not to go to Canada 
was the weather.  We know you prefer a warm climate, eve if you have to 
dodge bullets.


> My dear Friend Steve,
> For one who is to young to have been part of the Vietnam era, you 
> are quick to judge and label. Granted, there probably were a few people 
> went to Canada because they were scared and didn't want to die. As a 
Vietnam era 
> vet, I won't hold it against them. People have a right in this country to 
> disagree with our government and if they don't like it, they have a right 
> leave and live elsewhere.
> In 1970 I was a private stationed at Ft. Bragg, NC when I received my 
> for Vietnam duty. When I went home on leave prior to shipping out, I was 
> pressured and given the opportunity by family and friends to move to 
Canada and set 
> up a new life if I had wanted. They offered tens of thousands of dollars 
> help me. They were very persuasive, but I was up for an adventure and 
> anyway. I personally know people that went to Canada. Not all were 
cowards. The 
> draft boards in those days weren't so considerate of conscientious 
> even for religious grounds. 
> Until you have been there and had to face those same tough decisions, 
> be so quick to label people as cowards. I don't know if you are simply 
> attempting to stir up the list again, as is your usual mode of operation, 
but there 
> are several hundred people on this list, not all share you viewpoints, 
> of others views is what freedom is all about.
> Rummy
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