[Rhodes22-list] Polotics
Steve Alm
salm at mn.rr.com
Thu Sep 9 15:45:13 EDT 2004
OK, Steve, I'll bring this down to your level:
>All Kerry did in the war was film himself.
At least he was BRAVE enough to volunteer. All Bush did was EXCUSE himself.
That makes him the coward by your own definition. He refused to fight.
>There is apsolutly no common sence
> that were evern suggust that he has the brains
> necessary to run this country.
Are you trying to say that Bush is smarter than Kerry? You're kidding,
right? Take a look at that last sentence you wrote and then tell me you're
the one to judge that.
>Again, he has voted
> against everything that give liberal democrates the
> freedom to be stupid, be on welfare and lazy.
Umm, again, you hosed yourself on this one.
Steve, you have a right to your opinion, but you should stop now before you
hurt yourself. It just ain't working for you, ol' Son.
On 9/9/04 7:47 AM, "Steve" <rhodes2282 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Stan
> All Kerry did in the war was film himself. You have
> no proof that he earn even one of his medals. There
> are more people saying he was a joke in the war than
> saying he did anything heroic.
> Kerry has voted against everything and every weapon
> system that protect this country. Voted against
> funding the CIA. There is apsolutly no common sence
> that were evern suggust that he has the brains
> necessary to run this country. Again, he has voted
> against everything that give liberal democrates the
> freedom to be stupid, be on welfare and lazy. YOu
> have the freedom to be that way thanks to our
> military. Luckly, there our smarter people in
> Congress that did not side with Kerry which allows us
> to fund our military so that we can remain the sole
> Superpower. Without this, democrats would lose
> welfare.
> Steve
> --- stan <stan at rhodes22.com> wrote:
>> Point of Information::
>> When bills or resolutions, etc are up for votes in
>> congress, riders can be
>> attached forcing a thinking lawmaker's desire to
>> vote one way on an issue,
>> to be changed because he or she is not in favor of
>> the rider. So congress
>> people do vote one way and then are forced to "flip
>> flop" on the same issue
>> when it is effectively changed by the rider. The
>> Republican side of the
>> isle does it - even vp Cheney. Not uncommon.
>> However, the Republicans are brilliant. They know
>> everyone but the simple
>> folk understand this so they make flip flop a
>> campaign theme. Just like the
>> war record issue were they know everyone but the
>> simple folks understand
>> Bush bought his way out of harm's way while Kerry
>> faced the bullets and then
>> decided the cause was a mistake and flipped flopped
>> over it, so they make
>> use of the left behind group to make the two war
>> records a campaign issue.
>> (not so sure they will get away with it in this
>> instance - too obvious,
>> even to the blindly faithful - plus many
>> Republicans like John McCain,
>> can't stomach it .)
>> I still think money, being the bottom line in our
>> society, makes betting the
>> way for the List to handle problem members. Let's
>> bet.
>> For instance we could bet on the sincerity of those
>> in favor this war. If
>> they are willing to join a "Lincoln" like brigade to
>> fight terrorists in
>> Iraq tomorrow, they win. (The list could chip in
>> and pay their expenses
>> from a standing pot) If they lose they have to add
>> to the List's betting
>> pot.
>> And we could bet on the factual "flip flop" charges
>> by having those like
>> Bush and Steve, who accuse Kerry of this crime, vs.
>> those like myself who
>> say that if you count Bush's campaign promises and
>> career remarks, he is the
>> "flip flopper" winner, contribute to the pot - have
>> the pot pay for an
>> independent accounting and the balance go to the
>> winner. That would be the
>> civilized way to go.
>> So my suggestion is not to impose censorship but to
>> refine the rules to:
>> If you have an opinion, it has to proceed with a
>> remark like, " in my humble
>> opinion, you are an asshole".
>> and statements proclaimed as factual, be accompanied
>> by contributions to the
>> betting pool, like " Kerry is the bigger flip
>> flopper and the facts will
>> prove that so here is my contribution to the betting
>> pool" And the paid
>> factual team goes to work and the winner takes what
>> is left in the pool. I
>> bet the compilation of the verifiable facts could be
>> sold to the media or
>> published and the List could eventually make a
>> fortune. Bill will get us a
>> publisher.and an advance. Let's start betting and
>> put our money where our
>> loose tongues are. .
>> An aside: Bush lost the election by a substantial
>> number of the popular
>> vote. I would not be so quick in ceding the
>> election to him this time.
>> Those who understand and quiver (a cowards opinion
>> and so labeled) at where
>> he is leading the country tend to be quieter than
>> those in favor.
>> Of course there are exceptions to those from the
>> left being "quieter". Wanna
>> bet.
>> .
>> stan/gbi
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Steve Alm" <salm at mn.rr.com>
>> To: "Rhodes" <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 9:45 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] List Administrator See
>> All
>>> Wally,
>>> You see, Steve is an analyst for the government.
>> Hope that clears things
>>> up.
>>> Slim
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