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rhodes2282 at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 9 14:05:31 EDT 2004
I don't use spell check. and I type 100wpm. I am
just not letting the liberals get away with bashing
Bush. Also, my arguments speck for themself. I have
concluded that the liberals just hate conversatives.
Funny things is that I don't hate liberals. This
country has bred a class of people that can't make it
on it own. They need someone to tell them what to do,
give them money, food, housing. This is fine,but it's
not right. Some democrats are trying to make welfare
not have the stimim associated with it like it has
always been in the past. This is also wrong. People
need to take care of themselfs. They can if they want
to but many fine it easier to live off the tit of
society. I have never taken welfare in any form & I
am not going to let other think it is acceptable to be
a welfare receiptent. If you have to, then be that
way. But get off of the welfare and go to work first
chance you get. Why be a sub-class being all your
life. Take care of yourseft; you will feel better if
you do. That why so many of the democrats hate Bush
so much. When he gave the tax cut; he treated everone
equal. The democrats hate Bush for not giving the so
call poor more of a cut. What wrong with being
equal?????? Welfare is still out there. Food stamps,
unenployment (extended so many time I didn't think
anyone would ever start looking for a job), etc. If
you wonder why the job growth lad so long, think about
this, if the government (actually tax payers like
me)keep giving people unemployment extension; they
would have never been force to actually look for a
job. This country have so many welfare type programs
it's not funny anymore.
Also, what get me is Bush gave the democrats a
prescription drug benefit on Medicare. How many
decades had the democrats promise this to the people.
Bush delivered. But the democrats complain about
that. All this amounts to is the hard core democrats
just hate being out of power. And they say anything
to anybody to try and get back in power. Bush has
help clean this country up after the Clinton mess.
Made this country a country that you can be proud of.
NO Democrats can say that due to the democrat record
is not one to be proud of. How many time to we get
attact under Clinton; and this country did nothing to
make them stop. Then 911 come alone and nearly 3,000
people died because our country had been made weak.
BUT BUSH WASN'T CLINTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the rest is
--- albert caiola <albert_caiola at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Steve,
> You may want to make use of spell check, the
> misspellings make you and your arguments look pretty
> bad.
> Al
> P.S. I thought this forum was dedicated to sailing
> and boat issues.
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