[Rhodes22-list] Bush's Service Record

Michael Meltzer mjm at michaelmeltzer.com
Sun Sep 12 23:33:40 EDT 2004

welcome back, this could get interesting, basic it been Steve vs. everyone self on every subject of the political session. For new 
members I am pretty sure you will see Politics in override, just please everyone , mark the subject line with "Politics" to save the 
sys admin from having to put out the fire about "I am leving because to much Politics on the list" issue.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "brad haslett" <flybrad at yahoo.com>
To: <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2004 9:46 PM
Subject: [Rhodes22-list] Bush's Service Record

> OK boys and girls, I just sent Ed Kroposki an e-mail a
> few days ago explaining why I didn't want to rejoin
> the list but I've been following the thread anyway and
> I just can't take it anymore.  You're talking bad
> about my man W and some things just need to be said.
> Hello old friends!
> I never spent a single day in the service but I've
> been working in a para-military organization for
> twenty years with over 80% of my co-workers
> ex-military and about 30% currently in the national
> guard or reserve.
> Here's the poop (and my spin) on guard pilots.  Some
> join to keep scoring points to retirement after
> leaving active service, while others make an almost
> full time job out of it, and some airline pilots use
> it as a back-up to protect themselves from a cyclical
> industry (like post 9/11).  Guard members are required
> to earn a minimum number of points per year to meet
> their requirements and have a great deal of leeway,
> within limits, about the spacing of their appearances.
> When the manning requirements are light the "guard
> bums", guys who are basically making a full time job
> of it, do the heaving lifting while those looking for
> minimum participation participate minmaly.
> During the Vietnam era, Guard or reserve duty was a
> way of postponing or better yet, avoiding a trip to
> the jungle.  That is precisely why John Kerry joined
> the Navy reserves after his draft board refused his
> request for a student referral to study in Paris for a
> year.  At the time Kerry volunteered for swift-boat
> duty, swift boats were considered "safe" duty.  That
> changed later on but I digress.
> Bush flew an F102 which was a very "nasty" airplane
> without being shot at.  In the 1971-72 time frame,
> Vietnam was winding down and there was a surplus of
> pilots in the Air Force.  Any Guard unit could get all
> the missions completed they needed with returning
> Vietnam pilots and those desiring minimum flying
> (perhaps Bush) could do so.
> I'm attaching part of an e-mail that a friend from
> work sent me yesterday.  I can promise you I've done
> my homework on the above statements but can only trust
> in the accuracy of the following.  It comes from
> someone I've known and trusted for 20 years and based
> on my relationship with the source, I give it a 99.99%
> confidence rating.
> ---------------------------------------------
> Hopefully by now you have all heard about this story.
> Facing
> plummeting
>> poll numbers, the Kerry campaign decided to revisit
> the Bush-National
> Guard
>> records.  In previous months, Kerry's people had
> tried to drum up a
> story
>> about this.  ALL of the evidence shows that Bush
> completed more than
> 6
>> years worth of service (not night and weekend stuff
> service)
>> in the Guard in less than 6 years.  He served
> overtime for four years
>> before he asked to take some time off to run a
> campaign.  The
> majority of
>> his records showed him to be an above average pilot
> and an average
> student.
>> He later pursued an advanced business degree after
> receiving an
> honorable
>> discharge from service.
>> Kerry has been trying to make an issue out of a
> missed physical and
> dentist
>> appointment.  No one cared.  It backfired.  Then
> came the big bounce
> in
>> Bush's poll numbers.  Kerry, in desperation, went
> back to Guard
> records.
>> By this time, the story has been tried at least 4
> times on the
> American
>> voting public.  But the press was more than willing
> to go along again
> if
> it
>> could help Kerry
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Hope that clears it up for you.  (YEAH RIGHT!)
> Brad Haslett
> "CorsShen"
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