[Rhodes22-list] Port Settee plus a political rider from the port

Steve rhodes2282 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 15 07:12:32 EDT 2004

Stan, Stan, Stan
That law only banned about 11 weapons.  Manufactors
bypassed the law by changing the designed just a tad
and the very same guns are still being sold that were
on the banned list.  

OK, here goes.  
If you want to kill a bunch of poeple in close range,
criminals can use a 12 gauge shotgun with buckshot and
do a much better job killing than if they use an
military type weapon.  

If criminals want to kill from a distants, a deer
rifle like a 300 Winchester will do a much better job
than a military type weapon.  

Also, these types of bans on weapons only keep them
out of the hands of honest citizens.  Citizens that
would be paying taxes on the purchse of these guns. 
Criminals have always had them and can easily get

The President can not make a law.  Congress would have
to pass something and send it to the President for
signature.  The Presidient has said that he would sign
it if Congress sent it to him.  Let me see, who in
Congress could be leading the way to get this passed
and on the President desk.  Any Senators come to

--- stan <stan at rhodes22.com> wrote:

> If you are dining, the tallest sits on the stern end
> table seat, where, even 
> with the top down, a basketball layer has
> comfortable head room.  If you are 
> reading with the dinette bunk used as a single bed,
> one of the backrest 
> cushions, diagonally placed against the stern cabin
> wall makes a comfortable 
> chaise lounge style seat with lighting coming over
> your shoulder.  If you do 
> sit against the port wall for non eating so want the
> comfort of leaning 
> back, three small storage compartments attached to
> the underside of the port 
> deck and set back from the port cabin trunk about 3
> inches, will allow the 
> backrest cushions to sit flush with the cabin trunk
> wall for comfortable 
> seating without taking away from the size of the
> double bunk when the 
> backrest cushions are taken down to make up the
> double dinette bed.
> As far as the political rider legally attached to
> the subject notice, I 
> notice that the leader in the flip flop race has
> done it again - aiming his 
> flip flop at our men and women in uniform:
> True to his hypocritical oath, he pledged his
> support for the law banning 
> assault weapons yet, as weak as this law was, he has
> now changed his mind 
> and, in spite of the statistics that 20% of our men
> and women in uniform, 
> who get shot with these type weapons, he flip
> flopped and the law is 
> removed.  To use Steve's description, anyone voting
> for this flip flopper 
> should be ashamed on behalf of all those of our
> armed forces who are 
> protecting us from the enemy right here in the god
> ole US of A.  Amen.
> Wake up America.  This man represents the shorter
> term interests of a 
> wealthy minority of us. He simply has no interest -
> I will be kinder - no 
> understanding of the long term health of your
> future.
> This is the only leader I know of who banned the
> press from Dover Air Force 
> base to welcome home our dead, to do everything he
> can to stop our right 
> from knowing what was discussed with Enron before
> the whistle blowing, to 
> bitterly oppose the 9/11 commission and then to flip
> flop and praise it for 
> votes but to only agree to face it as our leader if
> he would be allowed to 
> sit on his leader's lap during the questioning.  -
> as Rummy would say, don't 
> get me started or I will begin confusing the issues
> with a litany of facts.
> stan/gbi
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Steve Alm" <salm at mn.rr.com>
> To: "Rhodes" <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 2:44 AM
> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Port Settee
> > Todd,
> >
> > It's not your neck, the port settee is like you
> say.  I usually find 
> > myself
> > grabbing for an extra cushion to prop myself up to
> clear that overhang. 
> > And
> > please, no jokes about propping myself up with a
> hangover.  8-)
> >
> > As for rebuilding, I wouldn't.  First, shorter
> people don't have a problem
> > with it. So, can you just be a little shorter? 
> The little bit of storage
> > you might gain there is not worth the effort.
> Also, anything you build out
> > will bite into the roominess of the sleeping
> quarters there.
> >
> > Slim
> >
> > On 9/14/04 9:14 PM, "Todd Tavares"
> <sprocket80 at mail.com> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>  Rhodies,
> >>
> >>       I do not know if I am the first to have a
> problem with the design
> >>  of the port settee/berth.  It may only seem like
> a problem because my
> >>  neck can no longer flex comfortably in all
> directions.  With backer
> >>  cushions (the filler cushions) in place, their
> tops rest against the
> >>  sides of the hull, and under the overhang
> created by the side deck.
> >>  If leaning back to rest against the cushions, my
> head is higher than
> >>  where the portlights are and i must bend my head
> forward.  This is not
> >>  a comfortable position for me. Are newer boats
> still configured this
> >>  way, or has this been changed?  Has anyone else
> had this problem?
> >>
> >>       I have been toying with the idea of
> designing a vertical seat
> >>  back with a little bit storage space that would
> bring the cushions
> >>  slightly proud of the wall.  I do not know how
> much time I will be
> >>  spending sitting in the cabin or if it will be
> worth the
> >>  effort......but next Spring I will be doing
> glass/woodwork in the
> >>  cabin anyway.  Anyone have ideas or comments?
> >>
> >>  Todd
> >>  --
> >>
> >> 
> >>  Sign-up for Ads Free at Mail.com
> >>  [1]http://www.mail.com/?sr=signup
> >>
> >> References
> >>
> >>  1.
> >>
> >>
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