[Rhodes22-list] Political/warin Iraq.

Herb Parsons hparsons at parsonsys.com
Wed Sep 29 19:30:25 EDT 2004

So, you're advocating the idea that reservists should be free to go AWOL
or even desert if they don't agree with their commanders? I REALLY try
to stay out of the political discussions on here, but that one I would
take a BIG issue with.

>>> robert at squirrelhaven.com 9/29/2004 5:59:56 PM >>>
Herb Parsons wrote:
> I don't think he was advocating not supporting troops. I don't think
> jab at those NOT reporting is a lack of support. Anyone, no matter
> job, that begins to behave as a criminal deserves to be treated as
> When you join the military, you give up the "right" to decide whether
> not to report to your boss.

Perhaps the message is not that desertion/AWOL is OK, 
but rather the fact that so many reservists (if the 
number is correct) are willing to risk so much in 
defiance of orders.  

A reserve army structure is naturally more influenced 
by civilian issues than the regular forces.  IMHO, it 
is very possible to overstress a reserve/volunteer 
military structure with a divisive or unpopular war.  

Perhaps that is what is going on...

/Bob Skinner
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