[Rhodes22-list] Political/warin Iraq.

Steve rhodes2282 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 29 20:31:22 EDT 2004

You don't even have any proof that Kerry earn any of
those medals.  I have brought this up before but
untill Kerry releases all of his miltery records; all
we know for sure he did is make movie of himself

--- Saroj <saroj at pathfind.net> wrote:

> Maybe we should return to the practice of the Civil
> War wherein the wealthy
> bought out the obligation of their sons by sending
> someone of lesser class
> to serve in their place in exchange for land.  Then
> Bush could have shirked
> his duty "honorably" according to principles of the
> time.  Of course the
> lesser man sent off to war would have been sucking
> on the tit of the
> "better" class....
> Saroj
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Bill Effros" <bill at effros.com>
> To: "The Rhodes 22 mail list"
> <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 10:01 PM
> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Political/warin Iraq.
> No, the records do not indicate that at all.   Quite
> to the contrary.
> His commanding officer, who his orders told him to
> report to, stated flatly
> "I'm dead-certain he didn't show up."
> No one has ever debunked that statement.
> The White House stated that W. had reported for duty
> in Boston instead.  But
> that turned out to be wrong, too.  He never showed
> up in Boston, either, and
> nobody has ever produced records showing that he did
> show up.  The White
> House admitted he never showed up in Boston months
> after making the
> statement that he had served in Boston instead of
> Alabama.
> It is virtually certain, and no one has ever
> disputed this, that George Bush
> did not show up in Alabama as ordered.
> What he did is no different from what these guys
> have done.
> So, I ask you again, what makes these guys shirkers
> and cowards if they are
> just doing the same thing the Commander-in-Chief did
> 30 years ago?  (Also
> during wartime.)
> Was he, too, "sucking on the tit..." how did that
> go, Brad?
> Bill
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> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Herb Parsons
> To: rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
> Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 9:15 PM
> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Political/warin Iraq.
> Hmmm, I thought that "evidence" was debunked.
> All records indicate that George W Bush fulfilled
> his military
> requirements.
> >>> bill at effros.com 9/29/2004 8:23:16 PM >>>
> Herb,
> Sorry I haven't been following this thread.  Did I
> miss the part where
> someone explained why it was OK for W. to fail to
> show up during the
> Vietnam war, and why that didn't make him a shirker
> and coward?
> Bill Effros
> To download a free copy of the electronic book
> "Quote Without Comment"
> Click on or copy this address and load it into your
> web browser:
> Want to see more quotes?
> http://www.QuoteWithoutComment.com
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Herb Parsons
> To: rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
> Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 8:48 PM
> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Political/warin Iraq.
> I suggest it's a symptom of many things. A society
> that feels less and
> less true responsibilty to live up to it's
> obligation. That would
> account for the "I don't WANT to do what I said"
> part. A society that
> has been very long living in relative peace. That
> would explain the
> "But
> I didn't think I'd have to FIGHT when I joined the
> military".
> That fact is, there were plenty of AWOLs and
> deserters during WWII as
> well. As a matter of fact, if memory serves me
> correctly, WWII was the
> last war where we court-martialed and executed a
> deserter.
> In any war, we'll have a number of shirkers and
> cowards.
> >>> robert at squirrelhaven.com 9/29/2004 7:40:26 PM
> >>>
> Herb Parsons wrote:
> >
> > So, you're advocating the idea that reservists
> should be free to go
> > or even desert if they don't agree with their
> commanders? I REALLY
> try
> > to stay out of the political discussions on here,
> but that one I
> would
> > take a BIG issue with.
> Whoa, Herb - WAY not what I said!  Check it out.
> I suggested that the AWOL figure (if accurate) is a
> symptom of our country's polarization.  Like Viet
> Nam...
> /Bob Skinner
> -----------------------------------------
> What I said:
> > Perhaps the message is not that desertion/AWOL is
> OK,
> > but rather the fact that so many reservists (if
> the
> > number is correct) are willing to risk so much in
> > defiance of orders.
> >
> > A reserve army structure is naturally more
> influenced
> > by civilian issues than the regular forces.  IMHO,
> it
> > is very possible to overstress a reserve/volunteer
> > military structure with a divisive or unpopular
> war.
> >
> > Perhaps that is what is going on...
> >
> > /Bob Skinner
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