[Rhodes22-list] boom room and boat cost
ed kroposki
ekroposki at charter.net
Sat Aug 20 09:25:52 EDT 2005
That was the old retail model. It was based on economies of scale.
In today's world, Stan's suppliers more often than not go out of business
between units of production. Others buy enough raw materials to build one
unit. Then order more raw material for the next unit. In the meantime
their suppliers raise the price, and they raise their price. This is the
way it is working for Stan.
Then other suppliers realize he wants a second unit, so they raise
the price. They have found a hot item and want to milk it for all it is
worth. Today's economic model is sell one at a time. If it sells without
discount, raise the price.
Those guys who are waiting for the price of anything in demand to
come down will never get that product in today's market place. Stan is
trying to build boats completely himself. He now has to fabricate many of
the pieces that he used to get from suppliers.
If the product has value and demand, the price is going up. The
economic theories that they taught you in college no longer apply. By the
time you put in your order the price will go up 25 per cent. Mark my words,
the plastic that they use for the panels might not even be available. The
word market place has changed.
If Rummy has not left yet, maybe he will contradict me and say the
price of roofing is going down. Is this the case Mr. Rummy?
Ed K
Greenville, SC, USA
-----Original Message-----
From: rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org
[mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org] On Behalf Of Chris Geankoplis
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2005 2:25 AM
To: The Rhodes 22 mail list
Subject: Re: @SPAM++++ [Rhodes22-list] KA-boom room
You missed the point! If Stan can have one widget made at a cost of
$100 and there is a 50% markup he makes $50. If his sub contractor is
willing to make 5 of them for 90$ a piece because there are 5 of us who want
one Stan makes $45 each. Times 5. If nothing else, if the price for a
widget is 150 retail then Stan does even better. By coordinating our
ordering we make it a more profitable transaction for him and his
Chris G.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Todd Tavares" <sprocket80 at mail.com>
To: "The Rhodes 22 mail list" <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2005 6:15 PM
Subject: @SPAM++++ [Rhodes22-list] KA-boom room
I have been following this boom room thread and scratching my head. Stan
wrote to the list for ideas because his business is hurting right now. Then
this thread about the boom rooms started up. Maybe if we all get together
and order boom rooms....we can beat Stan down on his price?!?! HUH?? A
"volume discount" from a one-off custom builder?
Better yet, why don't we ask Alex; a fellow businessman and (I think)
friend of Stan's to cut him out of the picture altogether?!? My guess is
that Alex is ignoring purposely request...but thats just my guess (I cant't
speak for anyone else...especially Mr Alex).
I measured a old design Triad trailer and posted the drawings on the
list. I was publicly berated for violating Stan's intellectual property
rights.... but now my berater is advocating that Rhodies collectively join
to get Stan to give a "volume discount"....or better yet, have someone else
make a knock-off boom room and take bread off of Stan's table completely.
Maybe I am missing something here.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Effros" <bill at effros.com>
To: "The Rhodes 22 mail list" <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
Subject: Re: @CHECK Re: [Rhodes22-list] boom room
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 13:40:31 -0400
> Bob,
> They ain't cheap. Too much detail work and a lot of canvas. I
> assume you have the Pop-Top Enclosure. I tried to find out if Alex
> and Pamela had an interest in taking a crack at this, but Alex
> never replied. I'm sure we can drive down the price if a bunch of
> us order at the same time, but I doubt we can drive down the price
> very far. On the other hand, I doubt they will ever be available
> in the future at the price we will pay.
> Bill Effros
> Bob Keller wrote:
> > I am interested in exploring the boom room, but the last time I
> > asked about it (several years) it was pretty expensive and not
> > readily available. Looking at an alternative designed by Rummy
> > himself, but before deciding would like to know the latest with
> > Boom Room design, availability and pricing. Will be moving the
> > Yankee Clipper from the comfortable confines of my own dock on
> > Lake Hartwell to a marina in the Savannah area next spring, so I
> > am planning ahead.
> > Thanks.
> > Bob K
> > Yankee Clipper
> >
> >
> >> From: Bill Effros <bill at effros.com>
> >> Reply-To: The Rhodes 22 mail list <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
> >> To: The Rhodes 22 mail list <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
> >> Subject: Re: @CHECK Re: [Rhodes22-list] boom room
> >> Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 22:07:10 -0400
> >>
> >> Chris,
> >>
> >> I'm with you. Ed notwithstanding, if enough people place orders
> >> Stan will work out some more wrinkles. I do plan to order, and
> >> will work with you, Stan, and anyone else who wants to play.
> >>
> >> Bill Effros
> >>
> >> Chris Geankoplis wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hey Bill,
> >>> Maybe Stan will give us a volume Discount as the Boomroom
> >>> supposed to be my Christmass present. Let me know so we can
> >>> co-ordinate our
> >>> orders. Anyone out there who is thinking about a boomroom or Poptop
> >>> enclosure let us know, it is always cheaper to manufacture and
purchase in
> >>> volume, right Stan?
> >>> Chris Geankoplis
> >>> S/V Enosis
> >>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Bill Effros" <bill at effros.com>
> >>> To: "The Rhodes 22 mail list" <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
> >>> Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 6:05 AM
> >>> Subject: @CHECK Re: [Rhodes22-list] boom room
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> John,
> >>>>
> >>>> The pop-top enclosure is different from the Boom Room. The Pop-Top
> >>>> enclosure is an elegant addition to the boat. Many people have them,
> >>>> and everyone raves about them.
> >>>>
> >>>> The Boom-Room is still in the prototype stage. Many people have
> >>>> but most are different. The concept is elegant, but Stan has not
> >>>> satisfied with his engineering to date. He feels there is too much
> >>>> stuff required to hold it up compared to the number of uses you are
> >>>> likely to get from actually deploying it.
> >>>>
> >>>> On my Pop-Top Enclosure there is a Velcro strip at the stern end
> >>>> the Pop-Top enclosure is supposed to attach to the Boom Room
> >>>>
> >>>> I have attached pictures of Slim's Boom Room and Roger's Boom Room.
> >>>> Both are different from Stan's Boom Room. I believe Stan now makes
> >>>> differently from the way it is shown on his web site.
> >>>>
> >>>> I plan to get a Boom Room this winter (Ed, I'll need it for the Keys)
> >>>> and that will force Stan to think about it again. Like Mary Lou, I
> >>>> my Pop-Top Enclosure all the time, and just love it. It coverts the
> >>>> cabin into a nicer stateroom than I have slept in in much larger
> >>>>
> >>>> The only problem with the Pop-Top enclosure is that when you are
> >>>> the cabin to sleep in, you can't use if for much else. I anticipate
> >>>> that adding the Boom Room will be like adding a bedroom to my house.
> >>>>
> >>>> Bill Effros
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> john steadham wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>> Does the boom room cover the poptop or is that a different item?
> >>>>> anybody have pictures of the r22 with the boom room up?
> >>>>> __________________________________________________
> >>>>> Use Rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org, Help? www.rhodes22.org/list
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>
> >>>
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>> ----
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> Name: Slim's Boom Room.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 85243 bytes Desc:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>> available
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> Url:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
m.jpg -
> >>> ----
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> Name: Roger's Boom Room.JPG Type: image/jpeg Size: 1854402 bytes
Desc: not
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>> available
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> Url:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
om.jpg -
> >>> ----
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> __________________________________________________
> >>>> Use Rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org, Help? www.rhodes22.org/list
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>> __________________________________________________
> >>> Use Rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org, Help? www.rhodes22.org/list
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >> __________________________________________________
> >> Use Rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org, Help? www.rhodes22.org/list
> >
> >
> >
> > __________________________________________________
> > Use Rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org, Help? www.rhodes22.org/list
> >
> __________________________________________________
> Use Rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org, Help? www.rhodes22.org/list
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