[Rhodes22-list] Political - NOT RELATED TO SAILING!!!
Herb Parsons
hparsonsys at parsonsys.com
Fri Feb 18 16:30:00 EST 2005
There's a simple anwer to that. He didn't have a "stolen first term".
..... Original Message .......
On Fri, 18 Feb 2005 16:46:54 -0200 "Nell" <nellwolfe at cox.net> wrote:
>I have one small question.
>If W felt so "called by God" to make such sweeping changes in Social
>Security, and all the other changes he has instituted / proposed since his
>coronation, why didn't he start all the reforms during his first stolen
>of office?
>Certainly, it couldn't be because he was afraid of not being re-inducted
>into the hall of shame.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org
>[mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org] On Behalf Of stan
>Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 3:10 PM
>To: The Rhodes 22 mail list
>Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Political - for Brad's Eyes -
>Hmmm - I am not always wrong. I note that while we speak the market has
>dropped 84 cents.
>I also said that history would eventually show that Clinton had been a
>president - but now I hear you saying that's happening earlier than I
>I also thought that no way could the world economy take on all the job
>retirement programs industry and governments were giving workers and that
>they would have to bail themselves out of this "math-not-adding-up"
>situation with a secret plan of programmed inflation. But I was wrong
>again - they had more balls than I guessed and either went out of business
>with the wealthy taking theirs up front, or simply reneged on pension
>that were, in effect, terms where workers took less pay to get the jobs in
>return for the money they would get when they retired - really a localized
>social security but with a different name.
>The bottom line is that when the conservatives get in power the name of
>game is to take whatever can be taken, away from the poor. And when the
>liberals get in power, to reverse that damage. And maybe that is nature's
>law of the survival of the species.
>But my basic argument remains; and that is, when you say the poor want the
>rich to pay, both god and I would argue that it was the poor who helped the
>rich get there, so where's the beef. Personally I never thought it fair for
>W to tell the rich that the taxes they paid was their money so it should
>given back to them and the debt incurred in doing what had to be done,
>belongs to the poor, so let them pay - or sell the debt to foreigners and
>let the poor's kids pay. But what do I know of fairness and values - I'm
>just a leftover Neanderthal from Brooklyn.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "brad haslett" <flybrad at yahoo.com>
>To: "stan" <stan at rhodes22.com>; "The Rhodes 22 mail list"
><rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
>Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 10:38 AM
>Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Political - for Brad's Eyes -
>> Stan,
>> Be careful what you wish for. You're right, the
>> original intent was for SS to be an insurance program,
>> not a substitute for responsible planning. I'd gladly
>> drop out today and forgo all future benefits but that
>> won't happen. All the polls show that the current
>> recepients want "the rich" to pay the way and I fully
>> expect the current $90,000 limit to be raised. Albert
>> Einstein said the eighth wonder of the world was
>> compound interest. I'd like to see my kids take
>> advantage of that by putting a percentage of their
>> earnings into a controlled investing program. That is
>> precisely the retirement program available to Federal
>> Government workers and I don't see a rush on their
>> part to give it up for the SS program. I think if the
>> BHL's would look past their hatred of W they might see
>> he's hardly the fiscal conservative those of us to the
>> right of Attila the Hun would like. Like my friend
>> always says, in many ways, Bill Clinton was the best
>> conservative President we had in a long time. W is way
>> to friendly with the pocket-book on programs like
>> Medicare for me. As to the cuts in agriculture, he's
>> right on target. Sometimes things are not what they
>> appear. I do think Bush is right to take on SS now
>> and not let the problem fester for future generations.
>> The dev
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