[Rhodes22-list] Roger, a pep talk

ed kroposki ekroposki at charter.net
Mon Jan 10 22:41:50 EST 2005

Patton: A study in command by H. Essane

To Patton it was clear, whatever their nationality, the performance of
troops in battle had ultimately depended on the quality of the leadership
given to them.

All the great commanders of the past had had a thorough grasp of the
technique of their job, outstanding personal courage and the knack of being
at the right place at the right time.  All, too, had had the ability to
convince the troops that provided they played their part, they would

Patton deduced what his own experience at the sharp end of battle confirmed.
That leadership above all must be personal, dynamic and direct, that the
'living presence' of the commander must infect every man of his command.  

He said that the leader himself must be the very epitome of self-confidence,
enthusiasm, abnegation and courage; he must so fascinate the men under his
command that they each and every one become, to a greater or less degree the
embodiment of the leader's own eager and aggressive personality.

Patton made up his mind to build up his own personality and take the risk.
He therefore created the Patton stance by rehearsing in front of a mirror
and increased the volume of his high-pitched voice by constant practice...
It would in due course become a great act, all the more effective from being
sincere, so convincing indeed that he himself, like some of the giants of
the stage, would never be able to escape from it.  

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