For Robert only Re: [Rhodes22-list] Sappy Comment on D-Day

Steve rhodes2282 at
Thu Jun 9 07:35:42 EDT 2005

Since you bring up things that are "Thoroughly
Derserved"; then here is something Just for You.

Your Liberal BS only show how Stupid you are.  Yes I
said how STUPID you are.  No matter what is said on
this list; your unwillingness to even try and
understand how the world work only show your lack of
brain capacity.  War to help people that CANNOT help
themselfs IS JUST.  And more than enough reason to go
to WAR.  Looks at what is happening out in CA. 
Liberal central for you liberals & what is this
country doing; we are going after them.  It is always
better to fight a war on some other Country soil as
compared to fighting it on this country soil.  

You need to get over Vietnam.  Yes liberal like you
caused this country to lose a War.  That is nothing to
be proud of.  You should be ashame of yourself it you
protested that war.  This country had the capitality
to free those people & because of people like you; a
lot of vietamise people continue to have to live
without FREEDOM.  Stop thinking of yourself as some
elite species.  ALL people deserve to be free; NOT

As for liberals like you who think the one thing that
government is to be used for is passing out WELFARE
checks; Let get one thing stright - Any SOB that sits
on his or her Ass & collect a WELFARE Check is a
worstless human being.  THAT IS A FACT.  They are not
a productive citizen, they are not helping this
country by doing that, AND they have NOTHING to be
proud of.  

Anybody that support allowing people to remain on
Welfare without a direct course of action to get off
Welfare; is doing that person a DIS-Service.  If you
are going to achieve a state of mind where you enjoy
life and who you are; You got to get off you lazy ass
and go to work and earn your own living.  

I can only hope that your limited brain Capacity can
absorb the wealth of information I have provided you -
free of charge.  I know that you probably expect a
Welfare check to come with this information but at
least I am not charging you for it:-) As you say
below; I could not resist the
invitation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I always try
and help my fellow man!!!


--- Robert Skinner <robert at> wrote:

> Rik Sandberg wrote:
> > 
> > Snide Bob ...... just a little snide.
> Agreed.  But also thoroughly deserved.
> I couldn't resist such an invitation...
> Consider it a way of suggesting silence.
> Patton also said, "Lead, follow, or get 
> out of the way."  
> As you correctly point out, there is too
> much empty talk about dying for our country
> from those with no flesh on the front lines.
> Apologies to those who may be offended by
> such a direct response.
> All honor to those who are in harm's way.
> /Robert Skinner
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