[Rhodes22-list] Mast raising system

Robert Dobson robertdobson777 at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 30 21:17:53 EDT 2005

Kudos to stan on the mast raising system. Last fall I
left all the shrouds connected and just loosely coiled
the shroud up and taped them. This season when I
raised the mast , the only ones I had to attach was
the lower aft to the crane to winch up and then
reattach to their chain plate. No Guess Work this
time. I guess it does seem much simpler after a few
in's and out's . The only guess I had to make was if
the upper shrouds were attached outside the stanchion
cord or inside. I guessed out. It is great when your
are right.
  I do have a question as to  if any one has had any
problems with the strenght of the bow eye. Last year
when we pulled the boat out we probably exerted way to
much pressure trying to get the boat forward on the
trailer. Now I notice a slight separation between the
hull and the bow eye plate. I notice now because I am
inspecting it . I am curious as to if others have had
similar experience or difficulty with this area?

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