[Rhodes22-list] Re: Commitment to war

Bill Effros bill at effros.com
Tue May 24 10:15:53 EDT 2005

“After months of lies, the president has given
millions of people around the world reason to
doubt that he has sent Americans into battle for
the right reasons.”

Representative Dick Armey, Texas (R)
House Majority Leader
December 16, 1998

stan wrote:

> Hi Steve,
> You must be referring to Clinton helping out in Serbia et al when the 
> Republicans were all for not doing anything about the ethnic cleansing 
> and also got pissed off when Clinton refused to do it without NATO and 
> without losing any American lives. Pretty ugly record.
> You are right though, as a pinko bleeding heart liberal, I should be 
> sending GB profits to help George out with his unplanned mess but 
> unfortunately GBI also didn't plan ahead and turned out to be a non 
> profit organization.
> but love hearing from you and getting the broader perspective - even 
> if I am getting too old to change.
> stan
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve" <rhodes2282 at yahoo.com>
> To: "stan" <stan at rhodes22.com>; "The Rhodes 22 mail list" 
> <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
> Sent: Monday, May 23, 2005 10:23 AM
> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Re: Commitment to war
>> Stan
>> Maybe some people just Recognize the need to help
>> people out when they are being murbered, raped,
>> sprayed with chemical weapons, etc.
>> I support the war & any war that helps make people
>> free.
>> Based on the comment you made about me below, since
>> you are for the terrorists, why don't YOU just go over
>> there and fight with the terrorists:-) See Stan,
>> comments like this are stupid, they make no sense.
>> When you are the big dog on the plantet; this country
>> has to help people that can't help themselves. I know
>> liberals only think about themselves and thier welfare
>> programs; BUT there are more important things to spend
>> money on than lazy Americans who won't work for a
>> living. Now if the liberals really wanted to do
>> someting for thier fellow man; then they would give up
>> all earthly possessions to the government:-) Are you
>> going to donate your business Stan???????????? Do it
>> for the children!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
>> Steve
>> --- stan <stan at rhodes22.com> wrote:
>>> thanks for the rare sharing, Rummy.
>>> Still waiting for Steve and friends to back up their
>>> bravado with enlisting
>>> or Bush to let his daughters sign up. Maybe war is
>>> exciting and glamorous
>>> for some who stay home and hire others - but if it
>>> really, really, really is
>>> the right thing to do, as several on the List seem
>>> to think, then it should
>>> also be the right thing to declare war, have a fair
>>> draft for those asked to
>>> serve and rationing for the fully committed home
>>> front. I for one would
>>> never allow my kids to be taken for any half hearted
>>> venture where the
>>> politically correct back up is tax cutting and
>>> magnetic symbols.
>>> stan, WW11
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: <R22RumRunner at aol.com>
>>> To: <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
>>> Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 4:15 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Re: Commitment to war
>>> > Herb and all,
>>> >
>>> > Neither the body count or the number in country
>>> had anything to do with
>>> > our
>>> > commitment or lack thereof in Vietnam. When a
>>> soldier is being fired upon
>>> > and
>>> > has to radio for permission to return fire, that's
>>> a lack of commitment.
>>> > Remember, we didn't have cell phones in those days
>>> and military radio's,
>>> > as good
>>> > as they were, often couldn't contact anyone. I was
>>> with an armored unit
>>> > in I
>>> > Corps (DMZ area) from 1970 to 1971 and saw a lot
>>> of strange stuff, but
>>> > having to ask for permission to return fire is the
>>> one thing that really
>>> > burned my
>>> > butt. Sometimes we just didn't ask for permission
>>> and pleaded no radio
>>> > contact when questioned after the fact. It was
>>> easier and saved our butts
>>> > on many
>>> > an occasion.
>>> > The one thing that concerns me when these
>>> discussions come up on the list
>>> > is
>>> > that I doubt that many people on either side of
>>> the issue know what
>>> > happens
>>> > to the human body when it is hit with a fifty
>>> caliber round or a grenade.
>>> > Or,
>>> > when a RPG hits a tank and burns through the
>>> armament and blows up inside
>>> > the
>>> > tank turning those bodies into chipped beef. War
>>> isn't pretty people. Part
>>> > of my duties while in Vietnam were to identify
>>> bodies at the morgue when
>>> > they
>>> > were brought in from the field. I still have
>>> nightmares about my
>>> > experiences,
>>> > and don't talk about them very often. The
>>> decision to go to war has to be
>>> > taken very seriously. People talking about body
>>> counts like your counting
>>> > cord
>>> > wood makes me sick. Take a walk through a
>>> veterans hospital sometime and
>>> > meet
>>> > some of the walking dead. Your thoughts on war
>>> will change, I guarantee
>>> > it.
>>> > War isn't good for any living thing.
>>> > Time to step off the soap box and mix a drink.
>>> Coke has a new Diet Coke
>>> > made
>>> > with Splenda. No more Nutrasweet poisoning. Yeah!
>>> >
>>> > Rummy
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