[Rhodes22-list] Political: Majority rule

Robert Skinner robert at squirrelhaven.com
Wed May 25 12:26:51 EDT 2005

Steve wrote:
> ...
> There is a concept in a republic; majority rules.  And
> that is fare...

1.  Untempered majority rule is equivalent to tyranny for
    the minority.  Guess that blacks, jews, latinos, or
    any but WASPs get no breaks under your rules.

2.  The use of the word "fare" is ironic.  In the completely
    free market, if you can't pay for food, you starve.  Of
    course, desperate people can't steal from you if you cut 
    their hands off, like other fundamentalists...

How do these consequences of what you advocate mesh with
"compassionate conservatism"?  Or do you agree that this
phrase is oxymoronic?

Moderation is more than a word.  It is a way of life.
Blind obedience or pursuit of absolute power is a way
of death.

Jai Bahgwan,

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