[Rhodes22-list] Unsubscribe - refent1

michael meltzer mjm at michaelmeltzer.com
Thu May 26 23:23:24 EDT 2005

no, Felix problem is he can not be "Bothered" to read the mail sent to 
him, what happen is he logs in, see a list message and replies to the 
first one with "get me off", skips over everything else. I am sure if 
you where to ask him he would claim his time was to precious to waste on 
it, on the other hand he has no problem asking others to waste their 
time on his behalf.

If you permit me to give a little insight: Sailing and this list have a 
dark secret. It goes something like this, The "sport" can be done alone 
and is seems real cool from the way the media portrays it and is kind of 
"sexy", The only real entry barrier is the coast of the boat. Now the 
rhodes22 is on the lower end of the price range so we get allot of  
first timers looking to get into sailing. Nothing  wrong with that. But  
what comes with is some people who are very self centered, only care 
about them self's, Classics "Do as I say, I order you" and are into the 
sport because no one else can stand to be around them(they are looking 
for something in their life to do). 

Now sailors are a friend bunch, in truth they have to be. One of the 
first thing you learn you are never really in control, you prepare but 
in the end weather, water and breakdown are really what governor things. 
The next issue you are in strange place and going from place to place. 
You learn to provide help and sometimes a harder thing to do receive 
help. You also learn that the boat is expendable, any damage from any 
cause is your financial responcablity  alone(maybe insurance) and you as 
captain are responsible for everyone and everything on the boat, that 
includes awake, sleeping and not even their and any actions done by 
others. if you loose control on the water your boat can and will be 
taken way as salvage.

It drive the above personalities nuts, they generally drop out of 
sailing very quickly. On the list "I only want to hear about boats" can 
be targeted to "I will give nothing, I listen only, and I want you to 
make it simple for me". You seen a few examples already how they blow 
their stack and run off because they did not get their way. when it get 
down to it they are not friendly. Also not very vision, They problem 
they never seem to understand is the people who know the information get 
board, you can only answer how to find a port leak, unstick a 
centerboard, adjust a mast, etc... so many times. Now if a newcomer asks 
that is mentioning which people like to do, but only talk about a sail 
boat would make it job  and they drop from the list. Your can only read 
sail magazine for two years for the same reason :-)                     
I could go on but I think you get the drift,  BTW High odd's you see you 
see a post along the lines, "how dare you MJM", "WHo do you thing you 
are". It just the way life goes..................


PS. It is relay just chitchat, most of the players will never change 
their perceptions and they know it to.

Rhodierose at aol.com wrote:

>Is this felix??? 
>Use Rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org, Help? www.rhodes22.org/list

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