[Rhodes22-list] Rude is rude...not satire

Thena Carville thenacarville at bellsouth.net
Sat May 28 17:45:28 EDT 2005

I have been mostly silent for quite some time now but feel things on this 
list are changing and not necessarily for the better...one would think our 
more "educated" members would also be the ones who show the most 
manners...the past few days have blown that theory all to hell....believe it 
or not, this list probably has more people who hover closer to the 
"conservative" label  on it than hover by "liberal"...they are the reason I 
am still here...occasionally a "voice" from the past will surface and 
brighten my day...for the most part, we are a quiet group and don't feel the 
driving need to convert our bretheren...or preach ad nauseum at 
them.....personally, I don't need anyone to tell me about politics...I am a 
big girl and have actually read a few books, known people (well) who served 
in both houses....state and federal....learned more than I ever wanted to 
know about the budget and foreign affairs...have friends and family in the 
military...my opinions were formed by working with, in and for various 
agencies and groups and I certainly don't need someone to tell me what color 
the sky is...nor will I try to explain to someone else why the sky they see 
is not what actually exists...to me, it is a matter of personal 
responsibility to learn what you can and form your own opinion.....up until 
recently, all the interactions between listers has been fairly courteous...I 
don't care what you call it, rude is rude...it is not satire..and it is not 
acceptable......if you are off your medication, get back on it.....don't 
think because someone else behaved poorly in the past you have carte blanche 
to behave badly....if you want to insult someone or pick a fight, do it 
offline...don't do it in front of me and expect me not to be offended....I 
am neither thin skinned nor suffering from memory loss...along with others, 
I was insulted by a recent post and sincerely hope it is the last in that 
Thank you,

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