[Rhodes22-list] I am not happy

Michael Meltzer mjm at michaelmeltzer.com
Sun May 29 01:09:30 EDT 2005

I am not happy here, What is bothering is the lack of respect others, in particular their own option. It is one thing to debate 
sometime in the same manner as a observer of a "sporting event". But I beleve some people have the belife here that they are relly 
are able to change other people option. I thing that is misguild. I also do not like it when someone is forcing thier will on 
others. I thinking the term force is key here. The level and style that becomes "I know the right path, and I must showm it to you" 
it has reach the point that it over the line. It being a mean spritness and lack of respect. You will never change thier option so 
why are you trying and forceing them. The Tone is depressing. For now all I can do is ask all side to stop it, a simple test before 
hitting the send key would be "would someone be hurt and/or offended", and I do one mean in some type of Potical Correct maner, more 
a basic human level.

For the list information, rodger left.


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