[Rhodes22-list] Rhodes 22 decals

ed kroposki ekroposki at charter.net
Sun May 29 21:30:46 EDT 2005

	You need to post again, nothing came thru.  Surprise that Rummy did
not post a picture of 'Rum Runner' and asking for a stipend. 
	Do you still have pictures of your decals on your old boat?  What is
the current web site?

	We could use a couple of new pictures showing the boats names on the
R22.org web site.  Michael or Will have to post them.

Ken and Karen:
	There are good pictures out their, they can be found in the
archives, just not of the friends or pictures currently on the Web site.

Ed K
Greenville, SC, USA
P.S. I do not have a name on my boat.  There is no law that says you have to
have on.  If you do not have a name on the boat, it is harder for the
complainers to contact the Harbor Master about you sailing too close.  Guess
who I learned that lesson from?

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