[Rhodes22-list] Slim's point on Sails
michael meltzer
michaelmeltzer at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 6 16:49:49 EST 2005
it not only the "threading", the threads that make up
the fabric break, like in every time the sail flogs
and get pushed to the limits in high winds. is weaken
the fabric, a blowout is not so much the sticking but
the fabric goes. the rule of thumb is 3 years on
racing sails and 7 years on cursing sails, Stan spec
the sails with heavy fabric and most of the boats is
seasonal use so 15 years is possible but it very old
age. -mjm
--- ed kroposki <ekroposki at charter.net> wrote:
> Slim,
> The analogy to cars is really asking the question,
> what is the
> useful life of canvas and Dacron sails? I have two
> pup tents that I
> received used over 30 years ago. They had good use
> before I got them, and
> took them to a canvas shop for restitching. In
> today's world, backpackers
> use ultra light tents. However, my two pup tents
> still find occasional use
> for overnight tenting. In retrospect, they still
> work.
> Our main sails and furling genoas are protected
> from the weather
> that is why we have the sacrificial fabric.
> Consideration should be given
> to some of us put excessive tension on the fabric
> that use may hasten their
> demise. However, when recut and restitched as Jay
> did, there may be years
> of use still there. Albeit, not use in racing
> which test the limits of
> everything.
> Alex uses a high tech thread in building his canvas
> products. Maybe
> we need to have Alex do the restitching? Where is
> Alex's input on this
> question? What is the name of that special thread
> he uses?
> Alternatively, we used to have a member of this
> list who I
> understand now lives near you in Minnesota. He
> could give us the chemical
> parameters of the fabrics. Since he now lives near
> you, we elect you to go
> over to his apartment and discuss the issue and
> report back...
> Ed K
> Greenville, SC, USA
> Addendum: "It is still not uncommon to find high
> quality older sails that
> can economically be given a new lease on life..."
> Sven Donaldson, A
> Sailor's Guide to Sails
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