[Rhodes22-list] Iraq. The war.

Hank hnw555 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 16 20:35:09 EST 2005

 There have been numerous news stories of attacks against insurgent
strongholds on the Syrian border. What news have you been watching?
 As far as having the technolgy to detect infitrators and stop them, that's
one we don't have either. If we did, don't you think we'd use it on our own
borders? We do use technology as much a possible, but it is nowhere near
100% effective.
 You might want to do a little more research.

 On 11/16/05, R22RumRunner at aol.com <R22RumRunner at aol.com> wrote:
> Hank,
> That's was my point. If you can't secure the borders, I doubt very much
> that
> you can win the war. We created a vacuum and the insurgents are filling it
> and will continue until the "coalition" has finally had enough and leave.
> In spite of the vast expanse of borders, we certainly have the technology
> to
> detect infiltrators and stop them before they could get very far into the
> country. I suppose you then run into the problem of native tribesman who
> normally use those routes to get around and do business. Probably a few
> camels
> would get killed, but less of a loss than human life.
> I'm also sure that the insurgents use specific routes to enter the
> country,
> using safe houses and places where supplies are stored for them. You never
> hear about these places being found on the news. When the war first
> started, the
> border crossings along major highways should have been sealed and they
> weren't. Most of Sadaam's henchmen made it to Jordan and Syria crossing
> the
> borders in private vehicles. Just my personal views on tactics based on a
> years
> experience in Vietnam and six years of military/tactical training.
> Rummy
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