[Rhodes22-list]Ethanol % /effect on OBs

Richard Smith sailnut at att.net
Wed Nov 23 10:58:06 EST 2005

This issue plagues model aircraft modelers also.  Their fuel is 70/75
methanol. Water absorption can get to the point where the engine will not
run!   Aside from keeping the fuel storage container topped up nothing else
can be done!

I would suggest that you likewise keep the tank topped up at all times.

For what it's worth I had a 5.5hp 4 stroke Nissan. I went through no more
then 2 tanks per summer.   I found the motor just as easy to start at the
end of the season as it was at the beginning so I would not be to concerned.

Gas stabilizers. as I understand it do exactly that.  They slow the
breakdown of the complex gasoline modules nothing to do with water

There are water absorbing compounds which are poured into diesel fuel
tanks.  Water gets into diesel tanks by condensation it's not absorbed  but
pools below the fuel.  The additives suppress the algae which prosper at the
fuel/water interface.  Not much use for you.

Richard Smith

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