[Rhodes22-list] P-Reply to Bill Bennett

Wally Buck tnrhodey at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 1 11:40:53 EDT 2005

Well that ought to clear the air!  On that note I am off to the lake.


>From: "Herb Parsons" <hparsons at parsonsys.com>
>Reply-To: The Rhodes 22 mail list <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
>To: <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
>Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] P-Reply to Bill Bennett
>Date: Sat, 01 Oct 2005 09:27:49 -0500
>You said:
>"who had been denied all opportunity for wealth and education for centuries 
>(enslaved even) and then whenever one individual tried to make something of 
>themselves, they were called "uppity" "
>and then
>"there are rich blacks, middle class blacks, and very poor blacks"
>Hmmmm, wonder how those rich and middle class blacks got beyond being 
>called "uppity" and the suppression you folks heaped on them?
>"..., and dragged out to the nearest tree (remember "Southern Fruit"? or in 
>Texas... Pickup Drag?)"
>Yep, I remember "pickup drag". Best I remember it, the guy was found guilty 
>and sentenced to die. Of course, it will take a few years, thanks to some 
>idiot liberals around the country....
>"all the ways us European whites have created the illusion that we are 
>somehow superior"
>Well shame on those folks. I was technically "European" until I hit 18, 
>when I declared my US citizenship. But I spent most of my time in the US, 
>and thus don't consider myself European any more.. I am curious about 
>something historically though, do the African blacks who sold their enemies 
>into slavery to those European whites bear any responsibility in this 
>ongoing angst of blame?
>" if you can get beyond your superiority complex, you will get an entirely 
>different perspective on people with black skin.
>Your ignorance really does know no bounds, does it. What have you based 
>this "superiority complex" of mine, on? My attitude about blacks or other 
>minorities? See, that's ignorance. First of all, you don't even KNOW what 
>race I am. Ignorance Saroj, spouting your mouth off without having a clue 
>what you're talking about. We've got this stupid family tradition, where we 
>have children given "family names". My brother Bill was named after my 
>mother's step-father, William. I have about 40 or 50 first cousins (Big 
>Mamma had 11 kids, so 50 cousins wasn't out of the question). Of those 40 
>cousins, probably at LEAST of 5 of the boys are named William after our 
>"Paw Paw". I'm named Herbert after my Uncle. I've always hated that name, 
>but hey, it's a family tradition. Then I had a cousin born when I was a kid 
>and living in Asia (ooops, there goes your "visit another country plan, 
>huh?) and my Aunt wrote us to let us know she was naming him after me, 
>adding the same middle name to seal the deal. I was honored, but was just a 
>kid, so I'm sure it was just a family tradition. Then more recently, one of 
>my other aunts had a daughter who adopted a little boy. She named him after 
>me as well. That "Little Herbie" introduced a new faction in our family, he 
>was the first black in our family. At least, the first we know of. Of 
>course, we've had Hispanics in the family for years, my step-father is a 
>Mexican national, we love going down and visiting his family outside of 
>The point of all the above is to point out the fact that you're basing your 
>rant on ignorance Saroj. It's almost funny, and it's a shame in a way, but 
>it certainly speaks nothing of YOUR level of intelligence.
>"Maybe you should take on the job of the U.S. PR person... get out a 
>little, travel around... you might see an entirely different world than you 
>are able to imagine right now...."
>Again, ignorance. Just because I haven't made it a point to regularly 
>mention on here the various countries I've been to, as you have, doesn't 
>mean it hasn't happened. I was actually born in Germany. I've lived in 
>other parts of Europe as well as Asia, and have visited many other 
>countries (including Grenada, you ignorant ass). I've made South America, 
>but not Australia or Africa yet, even though they're on my "before I die" 
>list. Think I'm going to skip Antarctica though, I'm a warm weather person.
>"Gosh... I was just about to get over my dislike of all things Texas and 
>you showed up."
>Hmmm, now who has her "panties in a twist". Oh my, whatever shall we do, an 
>ignorant self-righteous liberal ass doesn't like anything "Texas". Well, 
>guess you can get back to your "getting over your dislike", I'm not Texan. 
>I was born in Germany, not Texas. Folks around here tell me you have to be 
>born here to be a Texan. They're afraid of outsiders coming in and screwing 
>things up.
>And NONE of the below rant answered my question as to the validity of the 
>statement that Bennet made. As a matter of fact, it merely explained the 
>reason the statement he made is true. Aborting all black WOULD reduce the 
>crime rate, since black have disproportionately higher crime rate. He made 
>the statement to show how ridiculous the argument that the caller cited 
>Now, go unbind your knickers (now then, THAT'S a disgusting thought), put 
>some visine in your eyes, and wipe the spittle off your keyboard. That was 
>your reflection you were seeing babe, not me...
>Herb Parsons
>S/V O'Jure
>   1976 O'Day 25
>   Lake Grapevine, N TX
>S/V Reve de Papa
>   1971 Coronado 35
>   Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana Coast
> >>> saroj at pathfind.net 10/1/2005 7:12:06 AM >>>
>Wow... you sure got your knickers in a twist over this.. face red, eyes,
>bulging, sputtering spit all over the keyboard... quite a sight..
>Why do I no longer think Bennett is intelligent?  Cause you'd have to be an
>idiot to not realize how blatantly insensitive, inflammatory and absurd 
>statement was.. and yes, I did hear it, although just the clip... but
>including the part about how reprehensible it would be, blah, blah, 
>Frankly I think if anyone took 2 minutes to think beyond the statistics, 
>would realize that if there were any group, easily distinguishable by color
>or physical appearance, who had been denied all opportunity for wealth and
>education for centuries (enslaved even) and then whenever one individual
>tried to make something of themselves, they were called "uppity", and
>dragged out to the nearest tree (remember "Southern Fruit"? or in Texas...
>Pickup Drag?),  there would be an ingrained cultural hatred and profound
>resignation about becoming a good citizen ready to pick oneself up by one's
>bootstraps... I'm talking cultural, not individual... expect a few more
>generations of opportunities and assistance with a leg up (NOT welfare....
>I don't know how old you are, nor care, but I lived through the civil 
>movement... this is RECENT history and if you think that we have stripped
>from our society all the ways us European whites have created the illusion
>that we are somehow superior and have (and plan to keep) all the goodies --
>now subtle, previously blatant -- then you'd better do some reading and 
>your eyes.
>As it happens, I live in a black city... yes... black... most of the
>population is black, there is a black university, the leaders are black...
>Hampton, VA... my family was aghast when I moved here... "be sure to lock
>your doors"...  I feel quite safe here, have never had anything stolen out
>of the yard, am not bothered in the least... I like living here... I like
>living around blacks...they have a different perspective and cultural
>manifestations which I really enjoy... I could NEVER live in a homogenous,
>fear-ridden, gated community!  Here in Hampton there are rich blacks, 
>class blacks, and very poor blacks... Do you think the crime rate is high
>amongst the rich blacks?  how about the middle class blacks?  Frankly I
>don't know... but I would be more than willing to bet that it is amongst 
>poor blacks... Whacha think?  Have you ever visited a country that was 
>black and governed itself... go to Granada sometime... if you can get 
>your superiority complex, you will get an entirely different perspective on
>people with black skin.
>Maybe you should take on the job of the U.S. PR person... get out a little,
>travel around... you might see an entirely different world than you are 
>to imagine right now....
>Gosh... I was just about to get over my dislike of all things Texas and you
>showed up.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Herb Parsons" <hparsons at parsonsys.com>
>To: <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
>Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2005 2:02 AM
>Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] P-Reply to Bill Bennett
>Oh right Saroj. You now "realize" that? And why is it that you "realize"
>that? Is it because you actually heard the broadcast, or is it because you
>took someone's word for what was said?
>So, was Bennet's statement "extreme" because it was untrue? Do you deny 
>a disproportionate amount of crime is committed by black? If it's true, 
>his statement is true.
>Maybe he's lacking in intelligence because he said such an action would be
>Maybe his only real lacking was in his blind assumption that people would 
>able to follow the point he was making.
>He forgot about liberals.
>What did Bill Bennet's comment have to do with President Bush? Oh wait,
>silly me, EVERYTHING you don't like has to with President Bush...
>Herb Parsons
>S/V O'Jure
>   1976 O'Day 25
>   Lake Grapevine, N TX
>S/V Reve de Papa
>   1971 Coronado 35
>   Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana Coast
> >>> saroj at pathfind.net 9/30/2005 10:14:28 PM >>>
>Bill... too funny!
>I used to think Bill Bennett was extreme, but intelligent. Now I realize he
>is just extreme.
>Damn good thing Bush hired the PR gal, Hughes (now referred to as Osama's
>little helper).  She must have a huge staff to think up creative spin
>verbiage to convince the rest of the world that we aren't total idiots.  
>what the hey... zillions for a barely-used cruise ship; $2000 for some 
>on the roof... (gosh I had my entire roof done for $1100 ... just the
>labor)... but that was with a black crew so obviously it was done poorly 
>will leak like a sieve... too bad they weren't aborted...
>I wonder what the cost is to house a common, everyday criminal as opposed 
>the country club criminal, the likes of Martha and, soon, Frist and 
>bet the country club set isn't out on the highways mowing the grass for .25
>an hour.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Bill Effros" <bill at effros.com>
>To: "R22 List" <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
>Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 9:36 PM
>Subject: [Rhodes22-list] P-Reply to Bill Bennett
> > In reply to gambling addict Bill Bennett's comment on the air yesterday
> > that aborting all black fetuses would lower America's crime rate, 
> > aborting all Republican fetuses would lower America's white collar crime
> > rate.
> >
> > courtesy of the Ed Schultz show.
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