[Rhodes22-list] Re: List etiquette. Inflammatory rhetoric
michael meltzer
michaelmeltzer at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 2 08:43:49 EDT 2005
Herb and Saroj:
Image this being spoken in the same tone of voice as
when I driving down the down with my 3, 8, and 10 year
old in the car.
shlog dein kup en vant!" ...................
(wife turning to me at this point say something about
not so load and I wish the kids play nice together)
--- Herb Parsons <hparsons at parsonsys.com> wrote:
> Again:
> =====
> bitch (bch)
> n.
> 1. A female canine animal, especially a dog.
> 2. Offensive
> a. A woman considered to be spiteful or overbearing.
> b. A lewd woman.
> c. A man considered to be weak or contemptible.
> 3. Slang A complaint.
> 4. Slang Something very unpleasant or difficult.
> v. bitched, bitch·ing, bitch·es Slang
> v.intr.
> To complain; grumble.
> v.tr.
> To botch; bungle. Often used with up
> ====
> Herb Parsons
> S/V O'Jure
> 1976 O'Day 25
> Lake Grapevine, N TX
> S/V Reve de Papa
> 1971 Coronado 35
> Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana Coast
> >>> saroj at pathfind.net 10/2/2005 1:52:30 AM >>>
> Herb,
> ok... sounds like we're going to have a "depends on
> what the word
> 'xyz'
> means" conversation
> =====
> ... "one who bitches is a bitch"... huh? is that
> really what you
> meant,
> Herb? I dunno...sounds pretty tame considering all
> that sputtering and
> the
> red face.
> *---
> My face never got red, nor did I sputter. That's
> once again, you
> assuming what your assumptions as reality.
> =====
> just curious... exactly what 'sexual proclivities'
> does the word
> 'bitch'
> imply? I must not run in the same circles... have
> no idea what you
> mean...
> or is it when a woman says to her man... "yo, you my
> bitch"... is that
> what
> you meant?
> *---
> 2b from above, a lewd woman
> =====
> my ancestry? as in "son of a...." or "the bitch is
> about to whelp" or
> ...
> jeesh, you've got me stymied again, Herb.
> *---
> 1 from above, a female dog, of course, a female dog
> would have to come
> from a long line of dogs
> =====
> ...better get my "language only used in the gutters"
> dictionary out so
> I can
> get educated and less ignorant.
> *---
> I don't think there's much chance of you actually
> learning anything
> new. That would require an open mind of some sort.
> You already know
> everything, nothing new to learn.
> =====
> as for your apology... you are apologizing for us
> ignoramuses
> misinterpreting your
> statement? You been taking lessons from Brownie?
> "The only mistake I
> made
> was to not insist that the governor of LA and the
> mayor of NO sit down
> together and work out their differences." [pause
> for barfing]
> *-
> You displayed your ignorance when you blathered on
> about my limited
> exposure to the world. You THOUGHT you knew
> something about me, turns
> out it was about as well-founded as many of the
> other assumptions you
> make.
> As for what "Brownie" said, that wasn't it. That may
> be how you report
> it, but that wasn't what he said. Throwing in little
> things "only" and
> "insist" changes the meaning of what he actually
> said, which was "I very
> strongly personally regret that I was unable to
> persuade Governor Blanco
> and Mayor Nagin to sit down, get over their
> differences, and work
> together". Don't know which part of that makes you
> want to barf. Do you
> somehow believe that the mayor and governor were
> getting over their
> differences? We are talking about the "enforced
> manditory evacuation"
> mayor and the "he's not authorized to do that"
> governor. Sounds to me
> like they had differences. Or maybe you think he
> didn't strongly
> personally regret it?
> He went on to state that his department made
> mistakes. So, it wasn't
> quite the "the ONLY mistake I made" report you're
> giving.
> But then, you've not been particularly truthful in
> many of the postings
> you've made here, have you?
> Now, you ready to tell us again how "North American
> Indians ... they're
> all drunks and slackers"? That WAS a direct quote
> from you...
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Herb Parsons" <hparsons at parsonsys.com>
> To: <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
> Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2005 12:25 PM
> Subject: [Rhodes22-list] Re: List etiquette.
> Inflammatory rhetoric
> Well, since you've decided to make our private
> conversation public,
> I'll
> respond publicly:
> To all (including Saroj):
> My reference to Saroj as a "bitch" in no way
> questioned her sexual
> proclivities or her ancestry. My reference was as
> one who complains
> without
> cause and out of ignorance. One who sails is a
> sailor. One who bitches
> is a
> bitch.
> If anyone received the statement in any other way, I
> apologize for my
> misinterpreted statement, but NOT for the sentiment.
> Misconstruing one's personal beliefs is a personal
> attack, whether it
> is
> couched in politically correct language or not. I
> have never "met" more
> intelligent, well meaning people than some of those
> I've met on here.
> At the
> same time, I've never met more ignorant,
> close-minded, hateful people
> that
> some of those that I've met on here. I'll leave it
> up to the list to
> decide
> which individuals fit into which categories.
> Herb Parsons
> S/V O'Jure
> 1976 O'Day 25
> Lake Grapevine, N TX
> S/V Reve de Papa
> 1971 Coronado 35
> Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana Coast
> >>> <R22RumRunner at aol.com> 10/1/2005 11:09:09 AM >>>
> Herb.
> I'm not going to debate this with you. Calling Saroj
> a "bitch" is
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