[Rhodes22-list] O.K. Bill, Prophet!

Wally Buck tnrhodey at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 14 08:37:08 EDT 2005


Glad you are still on the list. Hopefuily you have been busy sailing.


>From: "M. Abdullah" <sifood at austin.rr.com>
>Reply-To: The Rhodes 22 mail list <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
>To: The Rhodes 22 mail list <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
>Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] O.K.  Bill, Prophet!
>Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2005 00:06:38 -0500
>Howdy Infidels (ROFL),
>I'm still around. In Arabic a Prophet is called a Nabi. Not even close 
>phonetically to prophet or profit. The arabic world for profit is America. 
>Just an FYI, I'm a Quran (The Reading) only type muslim. The hadiths 
>(stories, folklore, myths) were all written 300 years after Muhammad. Can 
>you guess who wrote and approved them? Yep, the politicians and self 
>appointed religious a$$holes to control the minds of the masses. They did a 
>good job too. Their brain washing makes the American major media look like 
>child's play.  99% of what you see these crazy Islamist are based on these 
>fake hadiths. 72 virgins - don't make me laugh. The joke's punch line is 
>that they stay virgins!!
>Just a thought. Iraq is trying to get a new Constitution, maybe we should 
>give them ours cause we sure as heck ain't using it.
>I'll gladly answer (i.e., give my opinion) on Islam and Muslims if asked 
>but remember I'm considered a heretic by most and a sailor by all.
>And Saroj I'm a proud Texan - "Yeeeee Haaaaaaaaaa Hook Em Horns!!!"
>Mike Abdullah
>ed kroposki wrote:
>>	Where is Mike Abdullah when you need him?  Do we have any other
>>Muslims on the list? 	Bill is telling me he cannot translate the word 
>>'Profit to the
>>Prophet', a small phonetic transliteration.  It sounds like he needs an
>>explanation of Qur'an and Hadith.  	Sounds like he is spending to much 
>>time pumping water.
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