[Rhodes22-list] Yea, Yea, Mr. Rummy

Arthur H. Czerwonky czerwonky at earthlink.net
Sun Oct 23 23:38:51 EDT 2005

Count me in if you join with your boat, and we get Bob to sail.  Now what will Ed do?  It sounds like a good way to get the fleet together.  Stan might even come if we can put some prospects together.
I originally wanted to come this year, but we got a slow start Saturday.

-----Original Message-----
From: R22RumRunner at aol.com
Sent: Oct 23, 2005 7:36 PM
To: rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Yea, Yea, Mr. Rummy

What does any of that have to do with getting a fleet of R22's to compete  in 
a charity event to raise money? I was hoping I could even get you to pry open
 your wallet, dust off a few Jackson's and come up to the good  end of the 
lake for this event and do a little "for fun" racing. Yes,  alcohol is an 
important part of this event as it always is with sailors  everywhere. I have never 
seen so many Mt. Gay red hats in the same place at the  same time. You are 
about the only non-drinking sailor I've ever known. Perhaps a  little Rum in your 
stomach would even change your perspective on  politics......couldn't hurt. 
:) My stomach hurts so much from laughing as I'm  writing this.
And, my wife really enjoys this as she is navigator and enjoys plotting and  
mapping the course and keeping us all on the proper track. Get the starch out 
of  your shorts and plan on joining us next year....you would be the 3rd R22 
and  possibly Art could be the 4th. I'm already counting on Captain Bob as the 
2nd  R22....hint, hint!
Link to the WCSC is:  _http://www.wcsc-sailing.org/_ 
Rummy, tired, sunburned and tired.
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