[Rhodes22-list] Reply to Lou on Motors

ed kroposki ekroposki at charter.net
Tue Oct 25 21:08:48 EDT 2005

	I had a clunker 8 hp on my boat and due to guest request got a new
motor several years ago.  I got Rummy's recommended 2 stroke, 8 hp Tohatsu.
I choose the 8 hp from experience trying to go against current in the
Intracoastal Water Way along the Florida, Georgia coast.  When you go
against the current on the ICW you need about 8 hp to make a headway that
keeps guest complaints to a minimum.  The guest did not appreciate sailing
against the current and going backwards.  Sometimes your choice is
determined by others.
	Before you came on this list we had several knock down discussions
on 2 strokes versus 4 strokes.  Your buddy Roger got pissed off at us two
strokers for environmental reasons.  However, when you only use 3 gallons of
gas a year, I just do not buy the environmental arguments.  The negligible
amount of oil put into the environment by sailboat 2 strokers does not
outweigh the benefits of less weight and reliability.  
	As Rummy pointed out the 8 hp 2 stroke Tohatsu weighs only 50
pounds.  Your mother could lift it if you can not.  You do not need a crane
for an 8 hp Tohatsu.  Just do not upset you secret buddy, Roger.  He goes
ballistic over 2 stroke engines.  For sailboat use, his reasoning is too
extreme on the environmental side.  What are the pollutants that come from
one of those 400 hp engines on a canoe, aka, cigarette boat?

Ed K
Greenville, SC, USA
Addendum: "Reason can answer questions, but imagination has to ask them."
Dr. Ralph Gerard 

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