[Rhodes22-list] Traveler bar

Jim White lemenagerie22 at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 30 08:59:53 EST 2005

It just so happens that I am going to try and get in a sail this afternoon, and I will take a few photos of my home-made traveler while I am at the boat.
I made it up based on the ones that Sir Stanley provides, and which I saw in the various Rhodes photos. At the time I had the old rope traveler arrangement, and didn't find it too user friendly, I was also cash strapped, so decided to utilize local materials, all available through Zimco marine, our local commercial fishing outfitter.
If you're still interested, the bar is a thick walled piece of conduit 5/8 diameter. I drove a dowel rod into the ends, and then notched them to accept SS cable clamps to attach to the backstays. I also set in SS eyebolts (drilled and though bolted) to which I attached double sheave SS blocks. Outboard, and at a right angle to these, I attached small T cleats. For the car I used a single sheave sort of funky (but special) SS block that the shrimpers use on their "try nets"....It rools well on the bar. I shackled SS  blocks to this to accommodate the traveler rigging.
I'll get photos/measurements FYI this afternoon. The thing works well, and I have no complaints. I might re-enginneer it for clam cleats or something to facilitate quicker adjustment. As you know, I frequently push my rig to the limits, (at least those that my ancient sails will accept...I haven't installed the new ones yet), beat to windward a lot and have found no flex/bending or other distortion in the traveler. 

R22RumRunner at aol.com wrote:
I was going through some old pictures this morning and I came across a 
picture of you sitting on your transom. I noticed that your travel is somewhat 
different from mine. Any chance we could get some detailed pictures and an 

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Jim White
Le Menagerie
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