[Rhodes22-list] Corporate Relief Effort Updates

brad haslett flybrad at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 2 20:47:16 EDT 2005

My employer, like many, is focusing extensively on
helping our own employees.  The call went out
system-wide for housing offers for displaced employees
and the response has been overwhelming.  A new concern
on the horizon nationwide is making sure everyone has
enough gas to get to work. Here is one excerpt from a
lengthy letter from one of our leaders on other relief

"I'm sure most everyone is aware of what is going on
in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast relative to the
hurricane damage. We have survey teams out looking at
stations and ramps where feasible and have inspected
MSY for operational use. We are starting into
Lafayette next week and are considering Gulfport.
However, nothing is determined in final form yet.
Obviously we are looking at relief flights more than
revenue flights. Many of you have volunteered free
time for these and we appreciate it. Determination of
these relief operations will be forthcoming and we'll
analyse how to crew them then."

My guess is that finding support personnel will be a
problem since the local employees have lost their
homes.  A friend of mine back home says rumor has it
the corporate jet fleet may have to run shuttles to
keep the relief ramps manned. We leave China tomorrow.
My scheduled is full until Friday but I'm looking
forward to getting in on the action.  The crews have
been operating under an "operational emergency",
meaning 16 hour days, since Kat struck.  The OE was
just lifted yesterday. For you Rhodies in the path of
destruction, I'm probably about six hours drive time
away with a full size van and a 16ft trailer.  Give me
your laundry list. Whatever you need from Lowes and
Home Depot won't be there for long.


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