[Rhodes22-list] Jim's Main
salm at mn.rr.com
Fri Sep 9 15:35:49 EDT 2005
If you have a standard main and not the IMF, I would assume the sail is cut
with a roach. If so, you'll need the battens for sure, otherwise the roach
of your sail with just flop around. If it IS cut with a roach and the loft
DIDN'T put in batten pockets, I'd say it's the loft that is todo chingada!
The IMF sails do NOT have a roach so no battens are needed.
P.S. I'm all in favor of surfing with cute girls!
On 9/9/05 2:02 PM, "Jim White" <lemenagerie22 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hay Chihuahua
> This last message from Hugh was duplicated 8 times in my incoming mail? Did
> this happen to anyone else? What's up??
> I just aquired a new (hardly used) mainsail for le Menagerie...same cut as the
> old one, but lacks battens (my old main has three short battens. I'm going to
> test it out tomorrow (given good conditions...we've been in a monsoon for the
> past week). Anybody else have any experience with an unbattened main? If it
> turns out to be todo chingada, I'll take it over to our canvas shop and have
> some pockets sewn in....I also want another set of reef points...
> Obviously I don't have IMF.
> On a note related to NOLA...my son is taking one of OUR "new locals" from
> Metarie (she's in some of his classes at the high school) surfing this
> weekend. HE's doing something to make her feel more like part of the
> community...
> besides, he says she's pretty cute....
> Soooo....who's being proactive, and who's being reactive?
> Cheers
> jw
> ghpnn at bellsouth.net wrote:
> Herb,
> Are you intentionally missing the point for political purposes?
> The disaster response was mismanaged. Thousands of Americans died as a result.
> If the failures are
> covered up rather than examined they cannot be corrected. This is not a
> political issue. The only thing
> that matters is that FEMA be improved to operate more effectively next time.
> We could start by
> replacing Mr. Michael Brown, the fellow appointed by the President despite the
> fact that he has who
> no disaster management experience, with an experienced professional. If you
> dispute this claim
> about Mr. Brown's lack of experience just access the FEMA website and read his
> resume.
> Hugh
>> From: "Herb Parsons"
>> Date: 2005/09/09 Fri PM 01:02:26 EDT
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Blame the
>> Sorry Bill, your attempts to turn this to your political agenda is wrong.
>> Most of it was an act of God,
> the majority of the rest is an act of people that didn't believe what they
> were told, and chose to stay
> (many are STILL making that choice). I've never seen so many bull-headed
> people so determined to
> fulfill there own political agenda's on the graves of these poor people. At
> the risk of sounding
> personal, your attitude and comments disgust me.
>> Herb Parsons
>> S/V O'Jure
>> 1976 O'Day 25
>> Lake Grapevine, N TX
>> S/V Reve de Papa
>> 1971 Coronado 35
>> Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana Coast
>>>>> bill at effros.com 9/7/2005 11:50:56 AM >>>
>> Wally,
>> The death and destruction unfolding on the Gulf Coast is not an "Act of
>> God", and I'm going to speak up when anyone tries to shift the
>> responsibility for this ongoing tragedy from our federal government
>> either to God or to the victims.
>> The killing damage was not done by the hurricane in New Orleans. The
>> center of the hurricane narrowly missed to the East. Gulfport was flattened.
>> The killing damage in New Orleans happened as a result of Federally
>> built levees, designed to withstand Category 3 storms, failing, and
>> allowing the city to fill with water. The Federal Government then
>> failed to understand that a catastrophe far worse than any hurricane was
>> in the process of unfolding.
>> You may remember the discussion on this list about the Army Corps of
>> Engineers saying the water was going to be no problem--that as soon as
>> the level of the lake water fell below the level of the levee, New
>> Orleans would naturally drain right back out into the lake. Just don't
>> plug up the holes. I said that was stupid then. Is there anyone today
>> who wants to argue that it was smart?
>> The citizens of New Orleans, along with virtually all of their
>> politicians, begged the federal government to strengthen the levees for
>> 30 years prior to this collapse. The Federal government actually
>> reduced the amount of money, and refused to upgrade the levees.
>> This is a political disaster, not a natural disaster, although the Swift
>> Boat Captains are already out there, trying to rearrange the facts to
>> fit their politics.
>> More Americans will die as a result of this man made disaster than will
>> die in Afghanistan, Iraq and 9/11 combined. I have many friends in New
>> Orleans who still have not been heard from. We all hope they just have
>> been too busy to call any of us who were out, or who got out.
>> When a judge ruled after 10 years that a feeding tube could legally be
>> pulled out of Terri Schiavo, the entire Republican Political machine
>> hopped on airplanes, interrupted vacations, passed legislation, and
>> attempted to "save" that one life.
>> When perhaps 10,000 people in New Orleans were dying, President Bush
>> never left his ranch except for fund raisers, Congress did not
>> reconvene, Dick Cheney never left his ranch at all, Condeleeza Rice went
>> to see "Spamalot", emergency powers were not invoked, FEMA didn't even
>> know what was going on, and made the problem worse by turning away help
>> that was offered, saying it was not needed, no one asked for aircraft...
>> And then, Our President told the head of the Federal Agency who he had
>> appointed to be in charge of Federal Emergency Management "Brownie,
>> you're doin' a heck of a job!"
>> Wally, I am mad as hell. I don't think either my politics or my
>> judgment is clouded. My friends are dying, and our government is
>> spending more time trying to cloud your judgment, than it is trying to
>> address the issues. If Herb, or Brad, or Ed, or anyone else tries to
>> shift the responsibility for this tragedy from the government that
>> actually created it, to the victims who are still literally fighting for
>> their lives, they're going to hear from me.
>> I think of you as a fair minded person who weighs all sides of issues.
>> If you are confused on this issue, and think that it is my judgment that
>> is clouded, then I must address that. I'm not mad at you.
>> Our President said on national television, 3 days after the levees broke:
>> "I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees."
>> That is catastrophic, tragic, stupidity. It is obviously not true on
>> the face of it. It is the mark of a government that takes no
>> responsibility for any failed policy or action.
>> MY judgment is clouded by my politics? I don't think so.
>> Bill Effros
>> Wally Buck wrote:
>>> Bill,
>>> Often I agree with you, sometimes I don't. Your politics are clouding
>>> your judgement. This is a Natural Disaster. Try to keep that in mind.
>>> This is not the man trying to keep the poor down. Barbara Bush's
>>> comment could be misread by those trying to do so. My take; she was
>>> commenting that for many they are trying to look at the bright side.
>>> They were coming from a less than ideal situation and were hopeful the
>>> change might help them. It looked to me like she was trying tio help.
>>> It does seem the the guy running FEMA was in no way qualified for his
>>> job.
>>> Wally
>>>> From: Bill Effros
>>>> Reply-To: The Rhodes 22 mail list
>>>> To: The Rhodes 22 mail list
>>>> Subject: [Rhodes22-list] Blame the Victims
>>>> Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 12:04:54 -0400
>>>> Wally,
>>>> The campaign to blame the victims is ramping up. Especially if the
>>>> victims are poor and black. The nearby predominantly white city of
>>>> Chalmette was also wiped out. Gulfport's evacuation plan didn't
>>>> work, either. Biloxi's didn't work. (For that matter, the Key West
>>>> Evacuation plan never works, and just remains a bad joke.) St.
>>>> Bernard Parish still hasn't received any Federal help:
>>>> "This is Day 8, guys. Everything was diverted first to New Orleans,
>>>> we understand that. But do you realize we got 18 to 20 feet of water
>>>> from the storm, and we've still got 7 to 8 feet of water?" said Ron
>>>> Silva, a district fire chief. "If you had dropped a bomb on this
>>>> place, it couldn't be any worse than this."
>>>> "Aaron Broussard, president of Jefferson Parish near New Orleans
>>>> sobbing, told of an emergency management official receiving phone
>>>> calls from his mother, who, trapped in a nursing home, pleaded day
>>>> after day for rescue. Assured by federal officials, the man promised
>>>> her repeatedly that help was on the way.
>>>> "Every day she called him and said, "Are you coming, son? Is somebody
>>>> coming?' " Mr. Broussard said. "And he said, 'Yeah, Mama, somebody's
>>>> coming to get you.' Somebody's coming to get you on Tuesday.
>>>> Somebody's coming to get you on Wednesday. Somebody's coming to get
>>>> you on Thursday. Somebody's coming to get you on Friday. And she
>>>> drowned Friday night. She drowned Friday night."
>>>> Look at identical pictures of people wading through flood waters
>>>> holding food--the caption under the black guy's picture is "Looters
>>>> Running Rampant in New Orleans" the caption under the white guy's
>>>> picture is "Residents Finding Food to Stay Alive".
>>>> And now this news from Barbara Bush:
>>>> "What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay
>>>> in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality and so many
>>>> of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged
>>>> anyway, so this is working very well for them."
>>>> Bill Effros
>>>> brad haslett wrote:
>>>>> Wally,
>>>>> It will be years before NO recovers from this, the
>>>>> nation as well, and there will be lots of failing
>>>>> grades passed around when all the investigations are
>>>>> over. In the meantime, a lot of people are still
>>>>> suffering and still need our help, and money, or both.
>>>>> The last revision of a bad plan from the city of NO
>>>>> was to make and distribute DVD's before this years
>>>>> hurricane season, educating the citizens that in the
>>>>> event of a major hurricane, "you are on your own". The city plan
>>>>> also included using the city and school
>>>>> system bus fleet for evacuation but even that wasn't
>>>>> implemented.
>>>>> As we speak, the National Guard is still under command
>>>>> of the LA governor. If regular military units
>>>>> step-in, they can engage in relief efforts only, not
>>>>> law enforcement under the Posse Comitatus Act. Every
>>>>> FEMA engagement plan assumes that the local
>>>>> authorities will control the first 72 hours. It is
>>>>> painfully clear that NO either could not or would not
>>>>> do that. "Cowboy" Bush could have stepped up to the
>>>>> plate and taken over the whole operation early-on
>>>>> through his emergency powers, something no President
>>>>> has done since Reconstruction.
>>>>> Unless we are willing to re-write the constitution
>>>>> dividing the separations of local/state/federal power,
>>>>> we have to assume that each level of government will
>>>>> do their part at the appropriate time. If they can't
>>>>> or won't, these are the results we get. Tragically
>>>>> for the citizens of NO, a lot of elected officials
>>>>> failed to do their part.
>>>>> The lesson that should be burning in all our 'noggins'
>>>>> as we discuss these issues is this: Take
>>>>> responsibility for you and your family's welfare. Be
>>>>> a Boy Scout - be prepared.
>>>>> Brad
>>>>> --- Wally Buck wrote:
>>>>>> As always it is hard to figure out the truth. One
>>>>>> thing for sure I have never seen anything like this. It does seems
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> many mistakes were made by local, State and Federal officials. You
>>>>>> can also
>>>>>> second guess anyone who had the means to leave but stayed. I can't
>>>>>> see murder
>>>>>> charges for officials but it does seem that Home Land Security
>>>>>> running FEMA is
>>>>>> a cluster f**k.
>>>>>> Did FEMA really send water back? Was the Guard
>>>>>> authorization form just haning out of a fax machine waiting a
>>>>>> signature or
>>>>>> what? I am not a big Bush fan but it is hard for me to believe that
>>>>>> the whole
>>>>>> delay was because Bush was chopping wood. Local officials let the
>>>>>> people
>>>>>> down years ago by not developing a solid plan. It cost dearly,
>>>>>> hopefully
>>>>>> other areas learn from this.
>>>>>> A nice three days sailing! What a weekend.
>>>>>> Wally
>>>>>>> From: Bill Effros
>>>>>>> Reply-To: The Rhodes 22 mail list
>>>>>>> To: The Rhodes 22 mail list
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Rummies observation
>>>>>>> Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 12:28:38 -0400
>>>>>>> Nice try, Ed, but it won't wash.
>>>>>>> 1/2 the Louisiana National Guard was in Iraq--along
>>>>>> with all of their meals
>>>>>>> ready to eat, and most of their equipment. (We
>>>>>> have now asked your friends
>>>>>>> in France to send us food and water trucks.)
>>>>>> Walmart immediately sent
>>>>>>> water, but FEMA sent it back saying New Orleans
>>>>>> didn't need it.
>>>>>>> The Director of Homeland Security and the Head of
>>>>>> FEMA both said they
>>>>>>> didn't even know there were 15,000 people totally
>>>>>> at the mercy of roving
>>>>>>> gangs within the New Orleans Convention Center at a
>>>>>> time when news
>>>>>>> organizations were reporting about it on national
>>>>>> television from the site.
>>>>>>> The Governor and Mayor immediately called other
>>>>>> states for help, and the
>>>>>>> other Governors were ready to send, but W. was
>>>>>> clearing brush in Texas,
>>>>>>> Condi was shopping in NYC, -- (August is a vacation
>>>>>> month) -- and there was
>>>>>>> no one in DC to authorize the transfer of National
>>>>>> Guard troops. (You see,
>>>>>>> the states can't just send their armed militias
>>>>>> into other states, they've
>>>>>>> got to get authorization from the Federal
>>>>>> Government--which didn't happen.
>>>>>>> And why should it? "I don't think anyone
>>>>>> anticipated the breach of the
>>>>>>> levees" -- George W. Bush, Good Morning America,
>>>>>> September 1, 2005.
>>>>>>> The USS Bataan has been moored in the Gulf since
>>>>>> last Monday, basically
>>>>>>> doing nothing. It can make 100,000 gallons of
>>>>>> fresh water a day, it has 6
>>>>>>> (unused) operating rooms, and hundreds of (empty)
>>>>>> hospital beds, it's
>>>>>>> supposed to have helicopters so all these resources
>>>>>> can be made available
>>>>>>> to people in disaster areas. It aided Tsunami
>>>>>> victims...
>>>>>>> PUH-leeze.
>>>>>>> Bill Effros
>>>>>>> PS -- This information comes to me, not from the
>>>>>> New York Times, but from
>>>>>>> Fox News. Even Mr. Murdoch has had enough. It's
>>>>>> fine to have an
>>>>>>> orientation, but it's time to take your head out of
>>>>>> the sand.
>>>>>>> ed kroposki wrote:
>>>>>>>> Mr. Rummy, You want the Louisiana's Governors
>>>>>> head to roll? But she is a
>>>>>>>> liberal democrat! Where are your political
>>>>>> loyalties? You know my
>>>>>>>> orientation. The truth is she should have
>>>>>> declared
>>>>>>>> martial law the day before the storm. On the day
>>>>>> of the storm she had
>>>>>>>> responsibility to call for not only Louisiana
>>>>>> National Guard but also out
>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>> state Guard assistance. There was another state
>>>>>> Governor that said he had
>>>>>>>> alerted his National Guard and was waiting for a
>>>>>> phone call (or any other
>>>>>>>> official method of request). How can you be in
>>>>>> agreement with me? This
>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>> impossible. I will one up you. Both she and the
>>>>>> Mayor of New Orleans
>>>>>>>> ought to
>>>>>>>> be tried for murder. I request that you be put on
>>>>>> the jury. People were
>>>>>>>> officially told to go to the Superdome and
>>>>>> convention center and no
>>>>>>>> security
>>>>>>>> was in place. That was a major abdication of
>>>>>> responsibility.
>>>>>>>> I have no problem holding those who accept high
>>>>>> political office to
>>>>>>>> a high standard or even just a reasonable
>>>>>> standard. Why are you on the
>>>>>>>> list, if I lived where you do, I would have been
>>>>>>>> out in that cool breeze.
>>>>>>>> Ed K
>>>>>>>> Greenville, SC, USA
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>> From: rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org
>>>>>>>> [mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org] On
>>>>>> Behalf Of
>>>>>>>> R22RumRunner at aol.com
>>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 8:43 AM
>>>>>>>> To: rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Hurricane Katrina see
>>>>>> latest track
>>>>>>>> Thena,
>>>>>>>> It is sooooo good to hear from you. I have been
>>>>>> traveling for a family
>>>>>>>> members wedding and just returned. The highest gas
>>>>>> price we saw was $3.41
>>>>>>>> per gallon. It was really frustrating watching
>>>>>> the news and seeing all
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> people sitting around and nothing being done.
>>>>>> Some political heads are
>>>>>>>> going to
>>>>>>>> roll for this fiasco, starting with the
>>>>>> governor's.
>>>>>>>> Rummy
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