[Rhodes22-list] Blame the Now: Sailing

Jim White lemenagerie22 at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 9 13:58:09 EDT 2005

Well it missed the point.
Overloaded my tiny Texas brain.

Bill Effros <bill at effros.com> wrote:

No, nobody got it 8 times except you. Hugh wanted to be sure you didn't 
miss the point.

Bill Effros

Jim White wrote:

>Hay Chihuahua
>This last message from Hugh was duplicated 8 times in my incoming mail? Did this happen to anyone else? What's up??
>I just aquired a new (hardly used) mainsail for le Menagerie...same cut as the old one, but lacks battens (my old main has three short battens. I'm going to test it out tomorrow (given good conditions...we've been in a monsoon for the past week). Anybody else have any experience with an unbattened main? If it turns out to be todo chingada, I'll take it over to our canvas shop and have some pockets sewn in....I also want another set of reef points...
>Obviously I don't have IMF.
>On a note related to NOLA...my son is taking one of OUR "new locals" from Metarie (she's in some of his classes at the high school) surfing this weekend. HE's doing something to make her feel more like part of the community...
>besides, he says she's pretty cute....
>Soooo....who's being proactive, and who's being reactive?
>ghpnn at bellsouth.net wrote:
>Are you intentionally missing the point for political purposes? 
>The disaster response was mismanaged. Thousands of Americans died as a result. If the failures are 
>covered up rather than examined they cannot be corrected. This is not a political issue. The only thing 
>that matters is that FEMA be improved to operate more effectively next time. We could start by 
>replacing Mr. Michael Brown, the fellow appointed by the President despite the fact that he has who 
>no disaster management experience, with an experienced professional. If you dispute this claim 
>about Mr. Brown's lack of experience just access the FEMA website and read his resume.
>>From: "Herb Parsons" 
>>Date: 2005/09/09 Fri PM 01:02:26 EDT
>>Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Blame the
>>Sorry Bill, your attempts to turn this to your political agenda is wrong. Most of it was an act of God, 
>the majority of the rest is an act of people that didn't believe what they were told, and chose to stay 
>(many are STILL making that choice). I've never seen so many bull-headed people so determined to 
>fulfill there own political agenda's on the graves of these poor people. At the risk of sounding 
>personal, your attitude and comments disgust me.
>>Herb Parsons
>>S/V O'Jure
>>1976 O'Day 25
>>Lake Grapevine, N TX
>>S/V Reve de Papa
>>1971 Coronado 35
>>Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana Coast
>>>>>bill at effros.com 9/7/2005 11:50:56 AM >>>
>>The death and destruction unfolding on the Gulf Coast is not an "Act of 
>>God", and I'm going to speak up when anyone tries to shift the 
>>responsibility for this ongoing tragedy from our federal government 
>>either to God or to the victims.
>>The killing damage was not done by the hurricane in New Orleans. The 
>>center of the hurricane narrowly missed to the East. Gulfport was flattened.
>>The killing damage in New Orleans happened as a result of Federally 
>>built levees, designed to withstand Category 3 storms, failing, and 
>>allowing the city to fill with water. The Federal Government then 
>>failed to understand that a catastrophe far worse than any hurricane was 
>>in the process of unfolding.
>>You may remember the discussion on this list about the Army Corps of 
>>Engineers saying the water was going to be no problem--that as soon as 
>>the level of the lake water fell below the level of the levee, New 
>>Orleans would naturally drain right back out into the lake. Just don't 
>>plug up the holes. I said that was stupid then. Is there anyone today 
>>who wants to argue that it was smart?
>>The citizens of New Orleans, along with virtually all of their 
>>politicians, begged the federal government to strengthen the levees for 
>>30 years prior to this collapse. The Federal government actually 
>>reduced the amount of money, and refused to upgrade the levees.
>>This is a political disaster, not a natural disaster, although the Swift 
>>Boat Captains are already out there, trying to rearrange the facts to 
>>fit their politics.
>>More Americans will die as a result of this man made disaster than will 
>>die in Afghanistan, Iraq and 9/11 combined. I have many friends in New 
>>Orleans who still have not been heard from. We all hope they just have 
>>been too busy to call any of us who were out, or who got out.
>>When a judge ruled after 10 years that a feeding tube could legally be 
>>pulled out of Terri Schiavo, the entire Republican Political machine 
>>hopped on airplanes, interrupted vacations, passed legislation, and 
>>attempted to "save" that one life.
>>When perhaps 10,000 people in New Orleans were dying, President Bush 
>>never left his ranch except for fund raisers, Congress did not 
>>reconvene, Dick Cheney never left his ranch at all, Condeleeza Rice went 
>>to see "Spamalot", emergency powers were not invoked, FEMA didn't even 
>>know what was going on, and made the problem worse by turning away help 
>>that was offered, saying it was not needed, no one asked for aircraft...
>>And then, Our President told the head of the Federal Agency who he had 
>>appointed to be in charge of Federal Emergency Management "Brownie, 
>>you're doin' a heck of a job!"
>>Wally, I am mad as hell. I don't think either my politics or my 
>>judgment is clouded. My friends are dying, and our government is 
>>spending more time trying to cloud your judgment, than it is trying to 
>>address the issues. If Herb, or Brad, or Ed, or anyone else tries to 
>>shift the responsibility for this tragedy from the government that 
>>actually created it, to the victims who are still literally fighting for 
>>their lives, they're going to hear from me.
>>I think of you as a fair minded person who weighs all sides of issues. 
>>If you are confused on this issue, and think that it is my judgment that 
>>is clouded, then I must address that. I'm not mad at you.
>>Our President said on national television, 3 days after the levees broke:
>>"I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees."
>>That is catastrophic, tragic, stupidity. It is obviously not true on 
>>the face of it. It is the mark of a government that takes no 
>>responsibility for any failed policy or action.
>>MY judgment is clouded by my politics? I don't think so.
>>Bill Effros
>>Wally Buck wrote:
>>>Often I agree with you, sometimes I don't. Your politics are clouding 
>>>your judgement. This is a Natural Disaster. Try to keep that in mind. 
>>>This is not the man trying to keep the poor down. Barbara Bush's 
>>>comment could be misread by those trying to do so. My take; she was 
>>>commenting that for many they are trying to look at the bright side. 
>>>They were coming from a less than ideal situation and were hopeful the 
>>>change might help them. It looked to me like she was trying tio help.
>>>It does seem the the guy running FEMA was in no way qualified for his 
>>>>From: Bill Effros 
>>>>Reply-To: The Rhodes 22 mail list 
>>>>To: The Rhodes 22 mail list 
>>>>Subject: [Rhodes22-list] Blame the Victims
>>>>Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 12:04:54 -0400
>>>>The campaign to blame the victims is ramping up. Especially if the 
>>>>victims are poor and black. The nearby predominantly white city of 
>>>>Chalmette was also wiped out. Gulfport's evacuation plan didn't 
>>>>work, either. Biloxi's didn't work. (For that matter, the Key West 
>>>>Evacuation plan never works, and just remains a bad joke.) St. 
>>>>Bernard Parish still hasn't received any Federal help:
>>>>"This is Day 8, guys. Everything was diverted first to New Orleans, 
>>>>we understand that. But do you realize we got 18 to 20 feet of water 
>>>>from the storm, and we've still got 7 to 8 feet of water?" said Ron 
>>>>Silva, a district fire chief. "If you had dropped a bomb on this 
>>>>place, it couldn't be any worse than this."
>>>>"Aaron Broussard, president of Jefferson Parish near New Orleans 
>>>>sobbing, told of an emergency management official receiving phone 
>>>>calls from his mother, who, trapped in a nursing home, pleaded day 
>>>>after day for rescue. Assured by federal officials, the man promised 
>>>>her repeatedly that help was on the way.
>>>>"Every day she called him and said, "Are you coming, son? Is somebody 
>>>>coming?' " Mr. Broussard said. "And he said, 'Yeah, Mama, somebody's 
>>>>coming to get you.' Somebody's coming to get you on Tuesday. 
>>>>Somebody's coming to get you on Wednesday. Somebody's coming to get 
>>>>you on Thursday. Somebody's coming to get you on Friday. And she 
>>>>drowned Friday night. She drowned Friday night."
>>>>Look at identical pictures of people wading through flood waters 
>>>>holding food--the caption under the black guy's picture is "Looters 
>>>>Running Rampant in New Orleans" the caption under the white guy's 
>>>>picture is "Residents Finding Food to Stay Alive".
>>>>And now this news from Barbara Bush:
>>>>"What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay 
>>>>in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality and so many 
>>>>of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged 
>>>>anyway, so this is working very well for them."
>>>>Bill Effros
>>>>brad haslett wrote:
>>>>>It will be years before NO recovers from this, the
>>>>>nation as well, and there will be lots of failing
>>>>>grades passed around when all the investigations are
>>>>>over. In the meantime, a lot of people are still
>>>>>suffering and still need our help, and money, or both.
>>>>>The last revision of a bad plan from the city of NO
>>>>>was to make and distribute DVD's before this years
>>>>>hurricane season, educating the citizens that in the
>>>>>event of a major hurricane, "you are on your own". The city plan 
>>>>>also included using the city and school
>>>>>system bus fleet for evacuation but even that wasn't
>>>>>As we speak, the National Guard is still under command
>>>>>of the LA governor. If regular military units
>>>>>step-in, they can engage in relief efforts only, not
>>>>>law enforcement under the Posse Comitatus Act. Every
>>>>>FEMA engagement plan assumes that the local
>>>>>authorities will control the first 72 hours. It is
>>>>>painfully clear that NO either could not or would not
>>>>>do that. "Cowboy" Bush could have stepped up to the
>>>>>plate and taken over the whole operation early-on
>>>>>through his emergency powers, something no President
>>>>>has done since Reconstruction.
>>>>>Unless we are willing to re-write the constitution
>>>>>dividing the separations of local/state/federal power,
>>>>>we have to assume that each level of government will
>>>>>do their part at the appropriate time. If they can't
>>>>>or won't, these are the results we get. Tragically
>>>>>for the citizens of NO, a lot of elected officials
>>>>>failed to do their part.
>>>>>The lesson that should be burning in all our 'noggins'
>>>>>as we discuss these issues is this: Take
>>>>>responsibility for you and your family's welfare. Be
>>>>>a Boy Scout - be prepared.
>>>>>--- Wally Buck wrote:
>>>>>>As always it is hard to figure out the truth. One
>>>>>>thing for sure I have never seen anything like this. It does seems 
>>>>>>many mistakes were made by local, State and Federal officials. You 
>>>>>>can also
>>>>>>second guess anyone who had the means to leave but stayed. I can't 
>>>>>>see murder
>>>>>>charges for officials but it does seem that Home Land Security 
>>>>>>running FEMA is
>>>>>>a cluster f**k.
>>>>>>Did FEMA really send water back? Was the Guard
>>>>>>authorization form just haning out of a fax machine waiting a 
>>>>>>signature or
>>>>>>what? I am not a big Bush fan but it is hard for me to believe that 
>>>>>>the whole
>>>>>>delay was because Bush was chopping wood. Local officials let the 
>>>>>>down years ago by not developing a solid plan. It cost dearly, 
>>>>>>other areas learn from this.
>>>>>>A nice three days sailing! What a weekend.
>>>>>>>From: Bill Effros 
>>>>>>>Reply-To: The Rhodes 22 mail list
>>>>>>>To: The Rhodes 22 mail list
>>>>>>>Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Rummies observation
>>>>>>>Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 12:28:38 -0400
>>>>>>>Nice try, Ed, but it won't wash.
>>>>>>>1/2 the Louisiana National Guard was in Iraq--along
>>>>>>with all of their meals
>>>>>>>ready to eat, and most of their equipment. (We
>>>>>>have now asked your friends
>>>>>>>in France to send us food and water trucks.)
>>>>>>Walmart immediately sent
>>>>>>>water, but FEMA sent it back saying New Orleans
>>>>>>didn't need it.
>>>>>>>The Director of Homeland Security and the Head of
>>>>>>FEMA both said they
>>>>>>>didn't even know there were 15,000 people totally
>>>>>>at the mercy of roving
>>>>>>>gangs within the New Orleans Convention Center at a
>>>>>>time when news
>>>>>>>organizations were reporting about it on national
>>>>>>television from the site.
>>>>>>>The Governor and Mayor immediately called other
>>>>>>states for help, and the
>>>>>>>other Governors were ready to send, but W. was
>>>>>>clearing brush in Texas,
>>>>>>>Condi was shopping in NYC, -- (August is a vacation
>>>>>>month) -- and there was
>>>>>>>no one in DC to authorize the transfer of National
>>>>>>Guard troops. (You see,
>>>>>>>the states can't just send their armed militias
>>>>>>into other states, they've
>>>>>>>got to get authorization from the Federal
>>>>>>Government--which didn't happen.
>>>>>>>And why should it? "I don't think anyone
>>>>>>anticipated the breach of the
>>>>>>>levees" -- George W. Bush, Good Morning America,
>>>>>>September 1, 2005.
>>>>>>>The USS Bataan has been moored in the Gulf since
>>>>>>last Monday, basically
>>>>>>>doing nothing. It can make 100,000 gallons of
>>>>>>fresh water a day, it has 6
>>>>>>>(unused) operating rooms, and hundreds of (empty)
>>>>>>hospital beds, it's
>>>>>>>supposed to have helicopters so all these resources
>>>>>>can be made available
>>>>>>>to people in disaster areas. It aided Tsunami
>>>>>>>Bill Effros
>>>>>>>PS -- This information comes to me, not from the
>>>>>>New York Times, but from
>>>>>>>Fox News. Even Mr. Murdoch has had enough. It's
>>>>>>fine to have an
>>>>>>>orientation, but it's time to take your head out of
>>>>>>the sand.
>>>>>>>ed kroposki wrote:
>>>>>>>>Mr. Rummy, You want the Louisiana's Governors
>>>>>>head to roll? But she is a
>>>>>>>>liberal democrat! Where are your political
>>>>>>loyalties? You know my
>>>>>>>>orientation. The truth is she should have
>>>>>>>>martial law the day before the storm. On the day
>>>>>>of the storm she had
>>>>>>>>responsibility to call for not only Louisiana
>>>>>>National Guard but also out
>>>>>>>>state Guard assistance. There was another state
>>>>>>Governor that said he had
>>>>>>>>alerted his National Guard and was waiting for a
>>>>>>phone call (or any other
>>>>>>>>official method of request). How can you be in
>>>>>>agreement with me? This
>>>>>>>>impossible. I will one up you. Both she and the
>>>>>>Mayor of New Orleans
>>>>>>>>ought to
>>>>>>>>be tried for murder. I request that you be put on
>>>>>>the jury. People were
>>>>>>>>officially told to go to the Superdome and
>>>>>>convention center and no
>>>>>>>>was in place. That was a major abdication of
>>>>>>>>I have no problem holding those who accept high
>>>>>>political office to
>>>>>>>>a high standard or even just a reasonable
>>>>>>standard. Why are you on the
>>>>>>>>list, if I lived where you do, I would have been
>>>>>>>>out in that cool breeze.
>>>>>>>>Ed K
>>>>>>>>Greenville, SC, USA
>>>>>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>From: rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org 
>>>>>>>>[mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org] On
>>>>>>Behalf Of
>>>>>>>>R22RumRunner at aol.com 
>>>>>>>>Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 8:43 AM
>>>>>>>>To: rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org 
>>>>>>>>Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Hurricane Katrina see
>>>>>>latest track
>>>>>>>>It is sooooo good to hear from you. I have been
>>>>>>traveling for a family
>>>>>>>>members wedding and just returned. The highest gas
>>>>>>price we saw was $3.41
>>>>>>>>per gallon. It was really frustrating watching

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