[Rhodes22-list] Blame the Now: not Sailing

Ronald Lipton rlipton at earthlink.net
Fri Sep 9 18:38:22 EDT 2005

One of the things that makes this kind of discussion difficult
on an e-mail list, even one full of knowledgeable people, is
the frustration with not having enough time or writing skills
to adequately address the issues and questions.  I usually don't
have time to say much, and I write slowly, so some of us at a disadvantage
at the start.  It is frustrating to have to ignore arguments I think
are wrong or facts that I think are incorrect, but if I did that
(as Bill and Ed seem to do without fail) I would never have time
to sail - which is the point of this list.

   I was intially not in favor of too much political discussion on
the list, partially for the above reason, partially because I get
mad enough just reading the news (I no longer watch TV news).
However it has been useful as an unbiased sample of people, many
of whom have opinions very different then the ones I usually hear.
(I am a liberal, as are most of my coworkers). I do get annoyed by
people who post opinion pieces - like the one Hank posted by
Ben Stein.  Most of his statements were just Ben's baised opinions -
I was especially annoyed by his reference to global warming, an example of
the reluctance to recognize science which is really quite strong, based
on a political and economic agenda
is an example of the politics uber-alles bent of this administration.
But why should I argue with Ben - it would take a lof of work from
me and it was no work for Hank to post the list.  I could post the
latest editorial by Maureen Dawd - but that is Vietnam style escalation -
and who knows where that may end.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim White" <lemenagerie22 at yahoo.com>
To: "The Rhodes 22 mail list" <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
Sent: Friday, September 09, 2005 3:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Blame the Now: Sailing

> Thanks Bill
> It really did pass me by...maybe it has something to do with my 
> dyslexia...or maybe impatience on my part, but it was an overload.
> It took me eight years to do college and grad school, and sometime I still 
> feel like a gypsy in the palace. Hours and hours of Government, American 
> History, Civics etc. as an undergrad, and I came away with a sense that we 
> (the individual) are resposible for the caretaking of this country. I was 
> under the impression that the government (especially the federal 
> government) is a necessary evil...At least that's what I thought the 
> framers and founders thought. I always thought the the local governments 
> were primarily responsible to their governed, and beyond that each 
> individual was responsible to one another (the higher law thing...). I 
> guess I need to relearn things.
> The La. tragedy seems to me to be just that, a tragedy, regardless of 
> which levels of government screwed things up. It's time to pull together 
> for the common good.
> Them gov'ment kind are all a bunch of city slickers anyhow.... I figure we 
> can sort the mess out later, but right now we need to take care of the 
> problem.
> Anyway, I have little time to try and solve political problems...I'm too 
> busy trying to keep an eye on the workings of this little microcosm of 
> ocean down here, and besides I'm sort of kinesthetic to begin with...I 
> have to get my hands on the problem, that's why for me it was better to 
> send so money (which I have little of), clothes and food for the effort in 
> NOLA. That's my obligation and duty as an American citizen. If I didn't 
> have school age kids, like Herb I would've gone there to try and help out 
> too.
> Let better minds solve the big problems on this list...
> Cheers
> jw
> Bill Effros <bill at effros.com> wrote:
> Jim, forgot to label that a joke, we all did get it 8 times. At least,
> I did.
> Bill Effros
> Jim White
> Le Menagerie
> www.lemenagerie.blogspot.com
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