[Rhodes22-list] Horse shit and drinking.

R22RumRunner at aol.com R22RumRunner at aol.com
Mon Sep 19 22:54:09 EDT 2005

You either live in a different country or don't watch the news much. Our  
gov't sat on their collective hands and did nothing for the people of NO for  
five, yes count them, five days. And then it was only after the news media made  
them look as stupid as they collectively are that they decided to finally do  
The governments own weather person said this was going to be a devastating  
storm 24 hours before it struck. It certainly had time to react, but no, those  
idiots in FEMA (not trained in emergency management) didn't know what to do.  
Hell, I could go on and on and rehash the same shit, but I won't. There's 
more  important things to attend to tonight, like watching football and drinking. 
 Remember, a shot in the glass is better than one in the ass.

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