[Rhodes22-list] More Politics
Brad Haslett
flybrad at gmail.com
Sat Aug 5 09:51:03 EDT 2006
Perhaps you should give up music for a job as a foreign affairs analyst. We
are in WW3 and it began a long time ago. Israel is the "canary in the coal
mine." Her war is our war and wishful thinking won't change that! If
negotiation and declaring 'peace' in the Middle East were a successful
strategy, the Middle East would be the most peaceful area on the planet
given the number of peace settlements we've achieved over the years. This
conflict is not just between Israel and Hezbollah, it is between the US and
What does Iran want? They've stated it pretty clearly, again and again.
They want Israel wiped off the map. If they get a nuke (they already have
the missile technology) they could do a pretty good job with one lob into
Tel Aviv.
I make no apologies for supporting Israel and I hope our nations leaders
don't either.
Dave, I'd respond to your post but I've read it three times and can't make
sense of it.
Here's a couple of articles of interest.
On 8/5/06, Slim <salm at mn.rr.com> wrote:
> I'm just a dumb-ass rock n roller and I don't know anything, but it seems
> to
> me that because we send Israel more aid than all other countries combined,
> we can hardly be called "meddlers." When we say jump, Israel should not
> ask
> how high. Our diplomatic stance has always been the same at face
> value--peace--but I'd like to be a fly on the wall in those back room
> discussions on exactly what the US REALLY wants. I suspect that we (the
> US
> government) don't want a cease-fire at all. After all, aren't we too at
> war? And against the same foes? Could it be that we WANT Israel to be
> our
> attack dog? Or is she our sacrificial lamb?! Sure, there's all kinds of
> rhetoric flying around about how we don't condone the attacks but what's
> being said behind closed doors? Israel is like our Jack Nicholson in "A
> Few
> Good Men" where he says, "You WANT me on that wall. You NEED me on that
> wall." and of course, "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!"
> We like to say our national symbol, the eagle is a symbol of
> freedom. Let's
> not forget that in reality the eagle is the largest, most powerful and
> cunning bird of prey. We're not just sitting back hoping for a
> cease-fire.
> We're condoning the slaughter of the Jihadists. The hell with civilians.
> In war there are no civilians! The citizenry of Hezbollah, Hammas, etc.
> have declared their allegiance, their defiance and their commitment, and
> must I say it--you mess with the bull and you get the horns. Make no
> mistake my friends, WWIII has already begun.
> Good night and good luck.
> Slim
> On 8/4/06 11:55 PM, "DCLewis1 at aol.com" <DCLewis1 at aol.com> wrote:
> >
> > Re Hanson¹s ³Brink Of Madness², wotta crock! Hanson states:
> >
> > "the West has proven utterly unable to distinguish between an attacked
> > democracy that seeks to strike back at terrorist combatants, and
> terrorist
> > aggressors who seek to
> > kill civilians."
> >
> > Which "west" is the good Dr talking about, TV news reports or
> foreign policy
> > and military affairs? If you follow foreign policy and
> military affairs I
> > think you'll see the western democracies have distinguished pretty
> well. I'm
> > not aware of any tangible effort to rein Israel (Note: a tangible
> effort is
> > not a FOX TV report or a blovation from the UN, it's tangible military
> action
> > and tangible diplomatic pressure (i.e. sanctions).) Please correct
> me, if
> > I'm wrong.
> >
> > IMO the principle thing of interest in the middle east is what hasn¹t
> > happened. That is, for the first time in perhaps 30 years the US
> and Europe
> > haven¹
> > t rushed to intervene to secure a non-peace ³peace². Maybe this time
> Israel
> > will be able to resolve its terrorism problem without our meddlesome
> and
> > unproductive interference - and maybe part of our terrorism problem
> will be
> > resolved as well. One key to success will be keeping US troops - with
> their
> > embedded newspaper and TV reporters - out of the area.
> >
> > Dave
> >
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