[Rhodes22-list] Tiller Cover
L. Sailor
watermusic38 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 14 21:19:14 EDT 2006
You are certainly right...sailing beats sewing any
day.... Sunbrella is rather expensive, although it is
wide (52"..I forget. It's been a while since I've
ought any.). Buying materials, then the time...heck,
if you can find a source for that price, it is a
Sunbrella's only enemy is mildew, Brush dust & pollen,
bird doo, etc off the it so the spores have no place
to grow & it'll look great for years.
I'll be checking Defender for a RED binnacle cover!
--- DCLewis1 at aol.com wrote:
> Mark,
> Ed and Elle are likely right regarding the
> "sewability" of Sunbrella, I
> don't know. Elle's insight re the thread was
> interesting. Neither Fran nor I
> have tried sewing Sunbrella, I'm just reporting what
> I picked up on the web
> (actually, I can't point you to an explicit address,
> it's been a while). As I
> recall (I don't have the material in front of me),
> the material we got did not
> appear to be unusually stiff, so it might sew
> easily.
> Regarding Ed's concerns as to how long the cover
> will last, again I don't
> know, but I bought a Sunbrella cover and I expect
> it to last several seasons
> (see the Defender catalog, the material is
> advertised as Sunbrella). I opted
> against their cheaper "house brand" tiller covers on
> the theory that I'd
> rather not have to worry about this again for
> several years. I figure the
> service life limitation should be the service life
> of the material, and Sunbrella
> is supposed to last. We'll see.
> Regarding deep pockets to buy a cover vice making
> it, that may be a matter
> of perspective. As I recall, our cover cost $23-$24,
> that might be a bogey to
> price against. Check out what the material (and
> thread) is going to cost, and
> the difference is the "trouble factor" in your
> having to make it. From my
> perspective buying the cover was not a lot of $ but
> it did take a while for the
> vendor to deliver - both are vendor specific
> issues.
> The above notwithstanding, if Sunbrella sews as
> easily as Ed & Elle report,
> you or your wife might get some satisfaction in
> making it yourself. Or maybe
> you'd rather be sailing than sewing.
> Dave
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