[Rhodes22-list] Merry Christmas, Mark P

Brad Haslett flybrad at gmail.com
Mon Dec 25 10:24:31 EST 2006


Merry Christmas.  The inconvenient truth about Al Gore's vision, now that
he's through inventing the internet, is that he ignores economic reality.
Let's assume Al and Company are correct, (and they may be) their solutions
ignore that the Chinese are agressively pursuing raw material worldwide,
especially oil.  If all three hundred million of us Americans quit using
internal combustion engines, it wouldn't offset the 1.2 billion Chinese
driving newer and bigger cars.  Then there's the Indians, not to mention all
the other Third Worlders who can't wait to get their hands on a Honda. Being
kind to the environment is only common sense.  Destroying our economy, or at
least seriously hampering its competiveness in the world marketplace, makes
no sense.  Most of the eco-terrorists, and many of their less radical
followers, have never opened the cover on an Economics 101 textbook.  They
have their own agenda and follow it with the same zeal that radical
Islamists follow theirs.  I'm a lot less worried about global warming than I
am our addiction to fossil fuels.  If you believe in 'peak oil', as I do, we
continue to fund terrorists with our habits that burn a resource that can
only go up in price, providing more funds for more idiots, say, the leader
of Iran.  The Chinese don't give a shit about anything but what China wants
and they are too large to ignore.  Back to Al, he's full of it but neverless
his message may be good for us for all the wrong reasons.  We Americans may
be the biggest pigs at the energy trough but we're also the most
productive.  Speaking of productivity, or more specifically,
re-productivity, European breeding rates are so low they can't repopulate
the continent without importing Muslims.  Better save that subject for
another day.

We're off to Nashville today to see the Harbin ice carvings at Opryland.  It
shouldn't involve more than 20 gallons of fuel.  That's about the same
amount the APU burns warming the cockpit in 30 minutes so it is nice and
toasty when I arrive. Gotta love those hydrocarbons!


On 12/25/06, Tootle <ekroposki at charter.net> wrote:
> Mrark P:
>     You said, "tell me how you know what questions Al Gore has or hasn't
> asked"?
>      Because I do not atribute super human or super natural powers,
> knowledge or ability to Al Gore.  I say that all the questions have not
> been
> asked because we humans do not have the ability to know all the questions
> to
> ask.  That as the subject is studied, new questions will become evident to
> us mortals.
>      Understand I am not saying anything that Al Gore has been reported is
> a lie.  I have seen comments by the weather modeling guy.  I have read
> about
> studies of mud, artic and antartic ice, weather and temperature models,
> etc.
> And I do not say anything that those reports indicate is false.
>      On the other hand, I do not put all the blame on America and
> Americans.  Your leftest press wants to paint humans with a broad brush.
> And I recognized that some humans are intrinsically evil.  I question the
> Chinese communists, Mr. Putin, Bin Laden, and even Al Gore.
>       What I say is ask why, who, when and how...  At least I still have
> that right.  At least I think that I still have that freedom...
>        In conclusion, Merry Christmas and may you and yours have fair
> winds
> in 2007.
> Ed K
> Leicester, Vermont, USA
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