[Rhodes22-list] Reply, controversy, Dave, Jim
Rik Sandberg
sanderico at earthlink.net
Wed Feb 8 20:21:01 EST 2006
I don't know Brad. That guy might have been from a little further out
there than left field :-)
brad haslett wrote:
> Rik,
> Left field? By the way, you do know that the levees
> were intentionally blown-up in NOLA, right? Actually,
> they were in 1927 but that is another story. Here is
> a quote from the JAN 06 issue of AOPA (Aircraft Owners
> and Pilots Association) magazine from a former FAA
> administrator that sums it up well-
> "Aviation news occurs when the uninformed are
> interviewed by the unqualified to produce drivel for
> the uneducated"
> Langhorne Bond
> Brad
> --- Rik Sandberg <sanderico at earthlink.net> wrote:
>> Ed,
>> Lord knows I'm no engineer, but here's a link for
>> ya'
> http://www.tms.org/pubs/journals/JOM/0112/Eagar/Eagar-0112.html
>> Hydrogen bomb ...... where the F*** do these people
>> come from ?.?.?.?.?
>> Rik
>> Tootle (sent by Nabble.com) wrote:
>>> Dave and Jim:
>>> Dave wrote, "There's so much wrong with it
>> that it's hard to know
>>> where to start."
>>> Jim wrothe, "Paranoid, scientifically
>> indefensible crap."
>>> Both of you guys are doing what the writer did.
>> Well maybe he actually did
>>> it better because
>>> he posted pictures visually illustrating his
>> thesis. It may be wrong and
>>> crap, but why? If you
>>> are going to reply, why not post a couple of
>> defensible facts illustrating
>>> why it is wrong. You
>>> guys may both be capable of defending your
>> positions, but unless you do it
>>> good style, we will
>>> never know the truth.
>>> It is popular these days to make outrageous
>> statements without supporting
>>> facts. This occurs
>>> every day in the press. If you repeat a lie often
>> enough, there are those
>>> who believe it. Not
>>> everybody has the ability to disect every subject.
>>> Here is a topic that you two appear to have
>> ability to shed truth on. Both
>>> of you just walk
>>> away and let a falsehood stand? Snopes does not
>> address this latest
>>> internet stuff yet. We
>>> need to you to step up to the plate and at least
>> get on base.
>>> This may be a sailing forum, however, it members
>> are a powerful cross
>>> section of America.
>>> Some of its members do possess the talents needed
>> to refute thiese latest
>>> internet comments.
>>> Ed K
>>> Greenville, SC, USA
>>> Addendum, âI know quite certainly that I myself
>> have no special talent;
>>> curiosity, obsession and dogged endurance,
>> combined with self-criticism,
>>> have brought me to my ideas.â
>>> Albert Einstein
>>> --
>>> View this message in context:
> http://www.nabble.com/It-is-time-for-some-controversy-t1079919.html#a2819312
>>> Sent from the Rhodes22 forum at Nabble.com.
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