[Rhodes22-list] Reply for Bill W
Bill Effros
bill at effros.com
Tue Feb 14 09:58:55 EST 2006
Not to engage in a wrangle, here, but stating who you are replying to is
not really the "subject" of your email. I actually save a lot of this
stuff, and it's hard to categorize it by subject line if we must
constantly refer back to previous emails to figure out what it was that
Bill W was talking about in the first place. When your subject line
includes replies to multiple people, it's almost impossible for anyone
else to know what you are talking about--especially since you don't
include the original in your reply.
Bill Effros
ed kroposki wrote:
> Of course you ask a question when my boat is an hour away. However,
>the clip is generic. The ones we use on the boat are about 3 inches long.
>Here is a picture of a similar one about 7 inches long. The curtains are
>however wide sunbrella comes off the roll at the fabric store by about four
>foot long. The edges were sewed over and I installed grommets like for a
>tarp. They could be hung on a line, but the clips work well and are easy to
>adjust as the sun and boat change direction. Look for cheap ones because
>they break and are subject to going over board.
>See attachment: Attachment is gif and jpeg.
>Ed K
>Greenville, SC, USA
>Name: clip.GIF Type: image/gif Size: 32511 bytes Desc: not available
>Url: http://www.rhodes22.org/pipermail/rhodes22-list/attch/200602/14/clip.gif
>Name: clip.JPG Type: image/jpeg Size: 11964 bytes Desc: not available
>Url: http://www.rhodes22.org/pipermail/rhodes22-list/attch/200602/14/clip.jpg
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