[Rhodes22-list] MJM's Jokes

brad haslett flybrad at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 4 07:41:41 EST 2006


Thanks for the jokes, I've already forwarded them to
about a dozen people.  The one about the bathroom
attendant reminded me of an incident that happened to
us a few years ago BC (before Cora).  I wanted to see
where the Great Wall met the sea and follow the path
of the Manchu army into Beijing.  We took a six hour
train ride and then had to wait until after midnight
to catch a train back home.  The station was unheated
and you could see your breath.  I'd been drinking beer
with dinner (thanks to a wonderful couple that took
pity on us) and couldn't wait for the train, which no
doubt would have been much cleaner than the station. 
I asked Fan for some money to pay the attendant and
she gave me some monopoly money with a 20 on it,
assuming it was 20 RNB, about $2.5 US, expecting the
fee to be around 20 mao, less than a US nickel. The
attendant took my 20 and pointed me toward the piss
wall.  I was cold, tired, and weary of being jerked
around all day, and started in on him with my best
"ugly American" act, in English of course.  "Listen
asshole, I've been scammed all over the world by
bigger jerks than you and I want my f*&king change!" 
He started screaming back in Mandarin and after about
a minute I thought, forget principle, two and half
bucks isn't enought money to spent the night in a
Chinese jail over (we had already been kicked out of a
hotel earlier in the evening for being an American
with a Chinese whore - another story for another
day)..  After taking care of business I made a snide
comment to the old man leaving the restroom and went
back to Fan.  I told her the whole story and how I'd
been cheated out of my change.  She started laughing,
"you idiot, that was a 20 mao bill!"  "You have BILLS
for less than a nickel of purchasing power?  Give me a

Every time I go to a bathroom with an attendant I
think of that story.


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