[Rhodes22-list] Bob Noreau

DCLewis1 at aol.com DCLewis1 at aol.com
Sat Jan 28 16:41:00 EST 2006

First, congratulations on your new boat; and if you're new to the board,  
welcome.  I'm pretty new myself, my wife and I are trying to get a  refurbished 
R22 from GBI this spring.
WRT the weight of your boat: about a month ago I had an Email exchange with  
Stan regarding the differences between old and new boats (I was trying to  
understand those differences because we're trying to select amongst year classes  
for refurbishment).  As I recall, Stan said that while there  weren't great 
changes at any one time, but over the decades changes have  been implemented 
and there are cumulative differences.  He said the  early boats were focused 
more on racing, and hence were lighter; more recent  boats were more family 
cruisers and heavier.  So over time the boats  have gradually put on weight and 
perhaps are a little stiffer/stronger.   I'd be surprised if Stan had a 
weight-by-year table, but he's a surprising  guy, he might.

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