[Rhodes22-list] Furled sails at dock

John Lock jlock at relevantarts.com
Tue Jul 25 10:48:07 EDT 2006

At 07:38 AM 7/25/2006 -0400, TN Rhodey wrote:
>Furling sails and the required hardware does increase weight aloft. 
>The R22 rig can handle the extra weight without any problems. I slip 
>my boat year round and she has had no ill effects from heavy winds.
>The IMF main works flawlessly. I wish mine would wear out faster 
>because I would like to get the new IMF with batten. The only extra 
>wear you may have with IMF main is the sacrificial strip. This will 
>last as long or longer than a sail cover and will be cheaper to 
>repair. Also storing sails rolled is generally considered better for 
>the sail than folding.

Thanks for your comments, that's the kind of information I was 
looking for.  It's clear the IMF is a major convenience, but in 
design and manufacturing compromises often need to be made to offer 
that kind of convenience.  Doesn't sound like that's the case here :-)



"Conservative:  A liberal who just got mugged." 

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