[Rhodes22-list] Politics: How's It Going?

Bill Effros bill at effros.com
Sun Jun 4 07:39:22 EDT 2006

    Congressman John Murtha Representing the 12th District of 
Pennsylvania <http://www.house.gov/murtha/index.shtml>

	*For Immediate Release*
*May 18, 2006* 	


    Murtha press conference transcript on Iraq



*Washington D.C. *- The following is a transcript of a press conference 
held today by Congressman Murtha regarding the lack of progress in Iraq.

        Six months ago today, I introduced my resolution to redeploy the 
troops. Since that time, we've lost 370 Americans, we're spending $9 
billion a month, incidents have increased from 550 a week to 900 a week, 
and we lost 1,000 Iraqis in the last month.

    My plan ...recognizes we have done everything we can do militarily 
in Iraq and we must redeploy. The president insists our military needs 
to stay the course, but there's no plan for progress. I have not seen a 

    One of my military friends said to me (that) when you open up the 
strategy for victory, there's nothing inside. That's the problem that I 
see, and that's the thing that's so difficult for me to accept.

    Now (there are) those who disagree with me.  Even a fourth-grade 
class the other day (asked), "What happens if we leave?"

    Well, what happens if we leave today? What happens if we'd left six 
months ago? They have to settle this themselves. There's no plan to make 
things better.

    And so it's time for us to leave, to redeploy. And I say that ... 
the success of Iraq is up to the Iraqis. The Iraqis must settle their 
differences, and we must set a timetable for the Iraqis to take complete 
control of their country.

    Now, every time a timetable has been set here in Congress, we meet 
the timetable. Every time they set one in Iraq, they meet the timetable. 
But here we have no timetable. It's open-ended. And only Iraqis should 
settle these problems. And they aren't looking for an American solution. 
We give them an American solution, they forget it and it won't work in 
the end.

 ...I measure this differently than they do. Oil production is still 
below prewar level. Electricity in Baghdad is 2.9 hours per day.  Now, 
we realize that electricity production is spread out over the country, 
so it's a little bit different. But it's still only 9 or 10 hours a day 
throughout the rest of Iraq. But (it's) 2.9 hours a day in Baghdad.

    Far more than half the Iraqis are unemployed. There's 90 percent 
unemployment in Al Anbar province, and that's a province where we have 
the most trouble.

    And when I visit the severely wounded -- I go almost every week 
(and) I was just there last week -- at our military hospitals, I ask, 
"What happened to you?" And they say, "I was looking for IEDs and I was 
blown up."

    That's their mission. That's a hell of a mission. I mean, that's not 
what they should be doing, and that's what they're doing, and that's how 
they get killed, over and over again. Sixty-seven percent of the people 
killed in Iraq have been killed with IEDs.

    Over the last six months, more Iraqis have died in sectarian 
violence. (Do) you know what the definition of sectarian violence is? A 
civil war. Two factions inside a country fighting for supremacy. That's 
sectarian violence. We're caught in a civil war, and our military is 
caught in between. We got 100,000 Shi'as fighting with 20,000 Sunnis.

    And we have alienated every country in the region. They used to say, 
"We're with you in fighting terrorism, but we're not with you in 
fighting in Iraq." In fact, the war in Iraq has been more harmful. I 
believe it's been more harmful to us than beneficial in fighting 
counterterrorism. We've diverted ourselves away from terrorism to the 
war in Iraq.

    If you remember ...on the bottom of most of the television stations, 
they ran, "A war on terrorism." Now they're running, "A war in Iraq." 
And that's the way it should be, because that's what we're involved in.

    Recently, the president of Iran visited Indonesia, a country with 
the largest Muslim population. He visited a prominent university and was 
overwhelmed with applause from students who supported his stance against 
the United States.

    Many see the United States as being at war with all Muslim nations. 
You know it's not true, but that's the way they see it.

    So who really wants us in Iraq? The Iraqis do not. It's interesting. 
In a recent poll the Iraqis termed those who attacked Iraqis as 
terrorists or criminals. Yet 88 percent describe those who attack 
coalition forces as freedom fighters or patriots. In other words, (if) 
they attack us, they're freedom fighters or patriots.

    The American public certainly does not support this war.

    I'll tell you who wants us in Iraq: Iran, Russia, China and North 
Korea and Al Qaida. There's only 1,000 Al Qaida, 1,000 Al Qaida. The 
rest are Iraqis (and) we're caught in between.

    And while the situation on the ground continues to deteriorate, this 
administration says things are going very, very well. They want to 
sanitize this war and put a positive spin on things. And they ignore the 
real story.

    Secretary Rumsfeld says progress in Iraq is evidenced by how many 
satellite dishes he sees on a rooftop. Now, what's wrong with that? They 
only have 2.9 hours of electricity. So if they have satellite dishes, 
they can't watch them 21 hours a day.

    This trivializes the situation that our Marines and many of our 
soldiers are facing every single day. Every convoy's attacked. Every 
convoy's attacked. IEDs (are) exploding all around them. (They're) being 
shot at every day. (They're) watching their buddies die. (They're) 
unable to trust the Iraqis. They don't know who their friends are and 
who the enemies are.

    They're under constant and severe stress. Karl Rove recently said 
the public is sour on the war. The use of the word "sour" disgracefully 
minimizes the public reaction to the way the administration has run the 

    Try disillusioned, betrayed, deeply concerned about the lives of our 
service members, the future of the military and the future of the 
country if we continue down this open-ended, ill-defined path.

    The Army's broken. It has serious recruitment problems. Stop-loss, 
in effect, is a draft of 50,000 soldiers who can't get out. The Army 
Reserve and Guard have been mobilized. And (our) young officer corps is 
being hollowed due to the large numbers leaving the service.

    Last year, the Army promoted 100 percent of its eligible Army 
officers from lieutenant to captain, up from a historical average of 70 
to 80. This has a detrimental effect on the quality of forces down the 
road. If you remember, what I said was (that) I'm not only worried about 
the troops, I'm worried about the future of the military. This is a 
direct sign of the cost of the military.

    Of course, these huge bonus incentives to the personnel costs even 
affect health care. The Quality of Life Committee couldn't put $700 
million in the quality of life for TRICARE because they didn't have 
enough money ... TRICARE is one of the most important health care 
problems for the military, and they were short.

    Now, we're going to try to work that out, but at the present time 
they're short.

    Now, not having adequate forces in Iraq, the National Guard's being 
replaced by Air Force and Navy.

    I'm talking to a retired three-star general, and ... he said to me 
that he was in a room full of Navy officers, all different specialties. 
One of them was a ship driver; in other words, he was captain of a ship. 
They had mobilized him to go to Iraq to do civil affairs, in two weeks. 
He said the whole room was not trained to do the job.

    Now, what does it mean when they're not trained. This war is coming 
at a huge consequence, the unspoken consequence of an overstretched and 
overstressed force. And when you send in untrained people, you get Abu 

    I've told the story about the young person from my district who was 
untrained in that prison, who had a court order against him that he was 
not able to (see) his family because he abused them. He told the Army 
that, and the Army still put him in a position to oversee Abu Ghraib. 
And you know the tremendous impact this had on our troops.

    And anybody that's been in combat knows it sears your soul, it's 
something that you never forget, and you live with it for the rest of 
your life...

Now, two days after I made my statement, on November 19th, we had an 
incident in Haditha in Anbar province, where a Marine was killed with an 
IED. Time magazine reported it, and it's kind of a puzzling report, 
because they're investigating it right now. Let me tell you what the 
consequences of this have been.

It's much worse than reported in Time magazine. There was no fire fight. 
There was no IED that killed these innocent people. Our troops 
overreacted because of the pressure on them and they killed innocent 
civilians in cold blood. And that's what the report is going to tell.

Now, you can imagine the impact this is going to have on those troops 
for the rest of their lives and for the United States in our war and our 
effort in trying to win the hearts and minds.

We can't operate, we can't sustain this operation. Eighty percent of the 
Iraqis want us out of Iraq; 47 percent say it's all right to kill Americans.

It's time to redeploy and let the Iraqis settle this themselves.

Be glad to answer any questions.


    The administration continues to give optimistic assessments of a 
shift of weight of burden from U.S. forces over to security and 
administration defense...

*Congressman Murtha:*

    Well, let's look at the incident. Let's look at the incidents. 
Incidents from 550, November 17th, until now, 900 incidents. A thousand 
Iraqis killed in the last month. The incidents are more than they ever 
have been before.

    And then, of course, electricity. None of the things I measure are 

    If they have 250,000 members of the brigades trained, let them do 
it. They only have 1,000 Al Qaida. So let them handle it. We can't do 
this. You can go back and look at the chaos after the Indian and 
Pakistan division, and you're going to have some chaos. There's no 
question about it. It's not going to be easy. And that's what people ask 
me the most.

    But there's going to be chaos six months from now because there's no 
plan. That's what I object to. There is no plan for success.




    What is your current timetable, recommended timetable for 
withdrawing the troops? And to further develop the point about the chaos 
that might ensue, what is your response to that? There are a number of 
your Democratic colleagues who are concerned that the region will 
descend into chaos.

*Congressman Murtha: *

    There's chaos now. What happened during the election? When the 
cleric said we don't want any chaos, for two or three days they had no 
chaos. They have to do this themselves. We can't do it. What is the 
mission of our troops? Our troops are looking for IEDs, that's what 
they're doing, and they're getting killed looking for IEDs.

    The Iraqis have to settle this themselves. I don't know how deep the 
chaos will be, but you're losing 1,000 people in the last month, and 
they're Iraqis. We lost 370 U.S. during this period of time. It's worse 
than it was six months ago. 

    My timetable is to immediately ... say to them, "Look, you're going 
to have to take over yourselves; this is your responsibility, and we're 
redeploying our forces." The sooner the better, as far as I'm concerned.

    And I've never said an immediate withdrawal, but on the other hand, 
the longer the withdrawal is, the more vulnerable our troops are, 
because the vulnerability comes in the logistics tail that they have to 
face because that's where all the IEDs are.

    So I'm convinced that there'll be continued chaos because it's a 
civil war. But like our civil war, only they can handle it. The British 
got out. The British said, after 200 years in India -- maybe it was more 
years than that -- if we get out, there's going to be chaos. There was 
chaos, but they finally settled it.

    And what I'm saying is, six months from now it's not going to be any 
better because I've not seen any plan that's going to make it better. 
And the only people can settle is the Iraqis.


    Six months since you first introduced this, what's your sense of 
support in Congress for this proposal?

*Congressman Murtha:*

    Well, I'll say this. In Congress more and more people are talking to 
me, more and more people. They're concerned about the very thing this 
gentleman here asked about, what happens afterwards. But I try to 
explain to them it's not going to be any better, it's going to be the 
same. It's going to be the same six months from now as it was six months 
ago. It's going to even be worse.

    And our troops are the ones paying the price for it. The Iraqis 
(have) got to settle it themselves.

    More and more people are coming around to understanding what we're 
paying and the price we're paying.

I met with three mothers the other day. And this mother said to me, 
"These aren't figures. This is my son. This is the light of my life," 
she said, "and he's gone."



*Congressman Murtha: *

    Yes. If you look, the basis laid for it. It happened on November 
19th. It was discovered by Time magazine in March, and they started to 
investigate it in March. And I kept hearing reports from Marines who had 
come out of the field that something like this had happened.

    And now I understand the investigation shows that in fact there was 
no firefight, there was no explosion that killed the civilians in a bus. 
There was no bus. There was no shrapnel. There was only bullet holes 
inside the house where the Marines had gone in.

    So it's a very serious incident, unfortunately. It shows the 
tremendous pressure that these guys are under every day when they're out 
in combat.

(There is) stress and the consequences. You saw the other day where we 
have so few people. I think it was today's paper (that) they have an 
eight-page report that I looked at that shows some people with 
psychological problems are being given drugs and sent back into combat. 
That's how short they are. And we don't have enough troops.


    (OFF-MIKE) Time did the report and now the Pentagon's doing an 

*Congressman Murtha:*

    The Pentagon has relieved three officers ...hopefully you will see 
the report in the paper shortly about what the results are. But there's 
no results so far as I've seen that indicate that it was the fault of 
the Iraqis in this case. One man was killed with an IED, and after that 
... they actually went into the houses and killed women and children. 
And there was about twice as many as originally reported by Time.


    The power of Congress in all of this is the power of the purse. They 
haven't listened to you for six months. All of the talk up to this point 
has been support the troops, support the troops, support the troops.

    In order to make your point and get some action, are you willing to 
lead a movement to withhold funds, cut down the appropriations for the 
military that funds their operation?

*Congressman Murtha:*

    Well, I've never been willing to cut funds even in Vietnam, toward 
the end of the war, for the Vietnamese. I think you have to fund the 
troops who are out in the field. I think we have to have a plan from the 
executive branch which shows a timetable to get out, and it has to be a 
short timetable.

    And you're going to see that. You're going to see that this fall. 
...What I see is them moving in that direction. I see reconstruction 
money cut off. I see the State Department rehabilitation money -- the 
money that they usually use for helping democracies -- cut out. And I 
see one brigade delayed in their deployment.

    So you're going to see a substantial redeployment. At least they 
won't replace people that are in there. They've got 250,000 troops 
trained, according to the reports that we see.

    Now, I talked to the troops. You may have seen the other day they 
had these troops trained, they were graduating, they took their uniforms 
off and threw them down on the ground. Well, you know, that's what the 
troops tell me versus what the generals tell me is how well trained they 

    The general in Haditha area told me when I was there -- this was 
last August -- he said, "I don't have enough troops to do my mission."

And this is true, I think, all over the country.

    I talked to one of the generals who was in the original meeting when 
they asked for a number of troops. Now, this is the first time I'd heard 
this firsthand. There were five people in the room: Secretary Rumsfeld, 
Secretary Wolfowitz, General Pace, General Myers and this three-star. 
And he said, "We asked for 350,000 troops." And of course they didn't 
get 350,000 troops.

    So when they say they got the number that they asked for, that's 
just not true.



    Congressman, in the context of your resolution and your concern 
about the troops, what do you think about the president's plan to send 
the National Guard down to the border? A lot of people are saying 
they're stretched pretty thin already. They're even talking about giving 
them a seat on the Joint Chiefs.

*Congressman Murtha:*

    Well, there's a couple things about deploying the National Guard 
again. We didn't have adequate equipment down in Katrina. And this is 
one of the major problems with the National Guard in the United States. 
The ones that have been deployed have left their equipment over in Iraq 
or their equipment's been depleted or they never got their equipment in 
the first place.

    And the plan, as I see it, they're going to send them over for two 
weeks to do administrative work. Well, what kind of administrative work? 
Are they trained to do this kind of work -- backup, technology? I mean, 
it takes more than two weeks to learn a job.

    So I'm not sure what he has in mind here. I'm not sure how this 
would work. If they're only going to send them for two weeks, by the 
time they get there, by the time they learn the job, they'll be coming 

   So I'm not sure I understand what the purpose of this is.


    If U.S. soldiers killed innocent women and children, obviously 
they're responsible, but you alluded to a sort of broader responsibility 
for something like that. Can you explain that?

*Congressman Murtha:*

    Yes, exactly. I feel that the tremendous pressure and the 
redeployment over and over again is a big part of this. These guys are 
under tremendous strain, more strain than I can conceive of. And this 
strain has caused them to crack in situations like this.

    This is going to be a very bad thing for the United States. But the 
point is, it's not caused only by the troops, it's caused by the fact 
there's so few of them, and they go out every day, and 42 percent of 
them don't understand what the mission is.

    I mean, I don't make excuses for them, I'm just understanding what 
their problem is.


    Have you read that report?

*Congressman Murtha:*

    I have not read it, no.


    But you're aware of...

*Congressman Murtha: *

    I'm basing it on information that I've gotten from -- all the 
information I get. It comes from the commanders. It comes from people 
who know what they're talking about.


    Mr. Murtha, there are polls out today that suggest that there's even 
more of an erosion for support on the Iraq war among the American 
people. Is that the kind of thing that it would take, do you think, to 
get the attention of the administration, to set a timetable? And if 
that's not, then what is?

*Congressman Murtha:*

    Well, I'll tell you what they're looking at. And I don't know this 
from the inside. They're looking at this election. They're looking at a 
Democratic Congress.

    In '74, we picked up 36 of the 43 contested seats. That's the 
Democrats. Thirteen of the seats Republicans retired, we picked them all 

    Now, in '94 we expected to lose 18. We lost 52. This is going to be 
a tidal wave. And there are no checks and balances at the present time, 
and that's what they're worried about. They're worried about subpoena 
power and investigating these things.

    And that's why I predict that they'll start to withdraw troops in 
the very near future or not replace them, one or the other.

    You can't sustain a deployment like that when the public doesn't 
support it.

    And then, on top of that, we got a supplemental where the Army is 
really hurting.

    Now, why is the Army hurting when we put so much money into 
supplementals? It's hurting because the cost of contracting out where 
they don't have enough troops...which is sometimes three times as much 
for the people doing the same job. In other words, you got a guy making 
$140,000 standing beside somebody making $40,000 or $50,000.

    And so O&M costs have skyrocketed, so they're running out of money. 
And they have to have that money, they say, by the end of this month, 
this supplemental. I hope we'll get it done. But my staff tells me it's 
not likely, (that) it's going to be very difficult.


    Is it possible that the administration will, in effect, do just what 
you outlined in your resolution and at the same time continue to 
criticize you for you it? And if so, what would you think of that?

*Congressman Murtha:*

    Well, I think that's entirely possible. I would hope, whether they 
continue to criticize me or not, that they do this, because the country 
can't stand this kind of divisiveness. I mean, every place I go people 
stop me, and mothers wearing 82nd Airborne stop me and said, "I've got 
two sons in Iraq, I agree with you." People in the military said, "Keep 
telling the truth."

    You see the polls. I mean, it's overwhelming that they know -- only 
the Iraqis can handle this. That's what it amounts to.

    Thank you very much.




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