[Rhodes22-list] Old Rhodes 22 owner - new to the list - fiberglass repair question

Michael D. Weisner mweisner at ebsmed.com
Sun Jun 11 18:48:48 EDT 2006

Hi to all of you - I never even knew there was a Rhodes owner's website.  I was looking around for some parts and repair assistance and google linked me to both the Rhodes22.com and org sites!  Wow - there are a lot of other Rhodes owners!

I have an oldie ('81) Rhodes 22 that I have attempted to keep in good operating condition.  Over the years, I have made many parts and hunted down others.

I am now attempting to repair the cockpit floor.  There is a bit of "oil-canning" near the entrance to the cabin where the floor has de-laminated from the structural fiberglass below.  Unfortunately, 2 small tears in the top layer of glass have appeared.  In addition, some of the foam below has been damaged by water intrusion so I am adding some marine ply to spread the weight over a larger area and resupport the cockpit floor while restoring the foam surfaces.

Has anyone successfully repaired the cockpit floor?  I think that if I slide some fiberglass fabric into the torn areas and squirt in some resin and weight down the floor, I should be able to restore the integrity of the glass. The problem is the gel finish, of course.  Any ideas?

Are there any other Rhodes 22s in the group that were built in the early 80s?  Are any of them on Long Island (NY)?

Mike and Sheryl Weisner
Shanghai'd Summer

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