[Rhodes22-list] New Way To Settle Lawsuits

brad haslett flybrad at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 16 07:50:40 EDT 2006

This is too funny!  If you've ever been sucked into
court over a lawsuit you'll appreciate this. There is
a link at the bottom to watch the video on how to
play. The only other lawsuit settled with more a more
creative approach was when the SouthWest Airlines CEO
arm-wrestled a plantiff to determine the outcome.


"It's better to break ground and head into the wind
than to break wind and head into the ground".


Judge: ‘Rock, paper, scissors’ to decide dispute 
If lawyers can’t decide where to play, it’ll be on
courthouse steps
The Associated Press

Updated: 11:21 a.m. CT June 9, 2006
TAMPA, Fla. - A federal judge, miffed at the inability
of opposing attorneys to agree on even the slightest
details of a lawsuit, ordered them to settle their
latest dispute with a game of “rock, paper, scissors.”

The argument was over a location to take the sworn
statement of a witness in an insurance lawsuit.

In an order signed Tuesday, U.S. District Judge
Gregory Presnell scolded both sides and ordered them
to meet at a neutral location at 4 p.m. June 30 to
play a round of the hand-gesture game often used to
settle childhood disputes. If they can’t agree on the
neutral location, he said, they’ll play on the steps
of the federal courthouse.

The winner gets to choose the location for the witness

“We’re going to have to do it,” said David Pettinato,
lead attorney for the plaintiff, Avista Management. “I
guess I’d better bone up on ‘rock, paper, scissors’

Last year, officials of the auction houses Christie’s
and Sotheby’s engaged in the game to decide who would
get to sell a $17.8 million collection of art offered
by a Japanese electronics company. Christie’s won.

URL: http://msnbc.msn.com/id/13221673/?GT1=8211

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