[Rhodes22-list] NASCAR

Rik Sandberg sanderico at earthlink.net
Sun Mar 12 08:37:10 EST 2006


Yep, NASCAR is stock car racing, but the "stock" part has kinda gone out 
the window. And yep, they mostly turn left, except on a couple of road 
courses. I think NASCAR came into the big-time after Bill France must 
have attended a wrestling match and turned his mostly  bootlegger, 
red-neck, grass-roots country boy racing league into the WWF (World 
Wacing Federation). I used to really like NASCAR 'til they made such a 
circus of it. 'Course most of those guys are getting rich now and that 
wasn't happening before. :) I guess a lot people like that stuff.

Sandy and I went to Daytona once back in the 90s.  It's a 2 1/2 mile 
track. The speeds are pretty awesome, but you really can't see the race. 
In fact it's hard to even keep track of what's going on unless you bring 
along a radio. Soon as the green flag drops the whole damned crowd 
stands up and they don't sit down again 'til there's a stoppage for an 
accident or something, so you mostly stand up on a perfectly good seat 
....... all afternoon. Oh, and did I mention crowds?? I'd way rather 
watch a race on tv.

For me a much better in person racing experience can be had going down 
to a local dirt track on a Friday or Saturday night and watching the 
local motorheads duke it out.

I used to race sprint cars. Whole different kind of car then a NASCAR 
type stock car. Actually, on a 3/8 or 1/2 mile dirt track, a car like a 
NASCAR stock car, but set up for dirt, wouldn't stand a chance in a race 
against a sprint car. This is what a sprint car looks like.


If you want to be really amazed sometime, go down to a local track when 
the sprint car racers are in town.


salm at mn.rr.com wrote:
> OK, I'll bite.  What exactly is NASCAR?  Does it include Stock cars,
> formula, Indy cars, funny cars, sprint cars (that's 
> what Rik races, right?) drag races, grand prix?  
> Slim
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