[Rhodes22-list] FW to Bill W & Bill E : ATTN: Bahamas Cruisers and
Magazine Article
ed kroposki
ekroposki at charter.net
Fri Mar 17 13:55:42 EST 2006
Bill W,
Below is some information about cruising in the Bahamas. Now only
if you can get Chris G. to explain what it means.
Bill E,
Did you see the article in Good Old Boats Magazine, current issue,
about sailing with kids in Florida Keys? Not that you might be interested.
Ed K
Greenville, SC, USA
-----Original Message-----
From: Claiborne Young [mailto:opcom at cruisingguide.com]
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 10:35 AM
To: ekroposki at charter.net
Subject: ATTN: Bahamas Cruisers
Salty Southeast Supplement
Navigational Concerns on the Bahama's Lucayan Canal
Hello Fellow Cruisers:
We have just posted an important note on the Salty Southeast Cruiser's Net
concerning a navigational hazard on the Lucayan Canal (in the Bahamas).
Anyone who will be transiting this passage for the next several months (at
least), needs to check out Ken & Darcy Searl's very timely info.
To read the message, go to http://www.CruisersNet.net , and then click on
the "Bahamas" navigational button along the left side of the page. Please
let us know if you find this data helpful. We would also like to hear from
anyone else who has had similar or dissimilar problems on these waters.
On an entirely different subject, we are seeking current depth and
navigational info on the ICW's run through Little Mud River, immediately
north of Georgia's Altamaha sound. We have heard unhappy reports on shoaling
here, but unfortunately, my research vessels will not be in position to take
a personal sounding until late May. Anyone who has or has not had problems
on Little Mud River, please make a posting on the Salty SE Cruiser's Net,
either by sending e-mail to opcom at cruisingguide.com, or clicking on the
"Contribute Cruising News" link at the top of all Cruiser's Net pages.
Good luck and good cruising to everyone!
Claiborne Young
Watermark Publishing
opcom at cruisingguide.com
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